Category Archives: Miscellaneous Posts

Jamaica 2025 To God be the Glory

January 2025
Another year gone by. Now more than three score and 12.
By Gods Mercy and Grace, I was again invited to Minister in Jamaica by Mike Stockwell and Robert Gray of “Cross Country Evangelism”. This is probably the 15TH year. Once again, we preached the Gospel in the city streets, and distributed Bibles and Gospel literature, conversed daily with Jamaicans, and prayed for souls and prayed that God would move on the souls of men. women, boys, and girls. We also continue to lift up our plea with God that a Christian church would be planted near the city of Montego Bay. We had a smaller team this year, (4) for the 3-week duration, and 2 good friends came to labor on the streets for the salvation of Souls. We preached Christ and Him crucified, we fished for men. We sowed the seed, and the seed was the Word of God. Dr. Ed Dalcour joined us and was able to share a message with us on the Lord’s Day. Peter Pei joined with us, bringing some much-needed Bibles. Just in the nick of time, and he was also able to preach a sound Gospel Message at the infirmary in Montego Bay. Tanya Farrel was with us the entire 3 weeks, having innumerable conversations with the people she met. During our 3 weeks, we were able to travel and evangelize in Montego Bay, Falmouth, Ocho Rios, Negril, and Lucea. In Jamaica, traveling is accomplished either by overcrowded vans, or by someone willing to drive on the Left side of the road. On this trip Mike Stockwell did some driving and was very careful, safe, and competent, even on the day when our rental car had a tire blow out. As usual the people of Jamaica are mostly very respectful and willing to hear of spiritual things, although the vast majority of the local churches are Seventh Day Adventists or others who have “lists’ of what must be done to be accepted by God and thus inherit Eternal Life, rather than the “Finished, Perfect, Glorious Work.’ which Jesus Christ Accomplished by His perfect fulfilling of the Law, and His Sacrificial death, and shedding of blood for the forgiveness of the sins of those who believe upon Him, and HIS Resurrection from the dead, and freely granting us HIS perfect Righteousness and Giving Eternal life to all who truly believe upon HIM. Thus, all of the “lists” of our spiritual duties may be important and may be considered “righteous deeds’’ but without saving faith in Jesus Christ, we are condemned already (John 3:18), For, we hold that, one is Justified by faith apart from the works of the law, and by the works of the Law, no human being will be justified in the sight of God. Thus, many people listen and may say “Amen” but have not yet been saved by Gods Mercy through the Washing of regeneration and Renewal of the Holy Spirit. We thank God SO much for the Provision to visit there again, and the freedom and opportunities to share the Gospel in a country where there is still some remnant of the fear of the Lord, and respect for the Word of GOD, and we are thankful that Jamaica does not teach so much evolution nor promote gender confusion and abominable lifestyles. Abortion is not protected by the Jamaican government, which seems a blessing, but the number of fatherless children is a great cause for lamenting. The crime rate, and murder rate in Jamaica is very high with regard to the number of residents. Much of this is due to the teaching of the local churches due to their teaching about satisfying the requirements of God, rather than the need for a new heart which would hate sin and love the Lord Jesus Christ.


















John Barros, faithful servant

Jamaica 2024

Amazing, how fast a year can go by. We spent 3 weeks in Jamaica this year, from January 4 through 25.
This was a wonderful time of evangelizing, by preaching on the streets, Distributing Christian literature, and innumerable conversations with the Jamaica people about the Gospel and spiritual things. During our 3 weeks we gave out thousands of Gospel tracts, and many Bibles. This year we had different people join us for different lengths of time, from New York, Colorado, Saint Louis, Virginia, Texas, and England. We were able to rent a car this year, since we had some brethren from England who were used to driving on the wrong side of the road. We traveled to share the Gospel in Montego Bay, Falmouth, Negril, Lucea. Savanah La Mar, and Ocho Rios .We would preach and witness in the town centers, taxi parks, and open air markets. Jamaica is a great place to talk about the things of God. In general they do not cling to the evolutionary worldview, they don’t have legal abortions, and they don’t protest so much about LGBT issues. The problems of morality in Jamaica are more personal with issues like fornication and having children out of wedlock. Murder is another problem in Jamaica, most always Jamaican against Jamaican, and often gang related. A greater problem is the false teaching of so many churches. They may have a form of godliness, but lack any power. The SDA church seems to be the most prevalent and the Pentecostal church, with many who deny the truth regarding the nature of God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The teaching of most of the churches in Jamaica is focused on water baptism, thus, most people think that no matter how they live or what sins they mat commit, they can simply go and get baptized in water, and then have an assurance of going to Heaven. There is not much taught about the need for spiritual regeneration. Many of the churches deny any form of hell, which results in No fear of God before them.
Many of the people this year seems truly happy that we visited them again. More than any previous trip there was a group in Montego Bay who would stand around and listen for hours. One man told me that they stayed to listen so they could learn the truth about God and the bible> I was able to meet several of the regulars who come around every year, although sadly some never showed up. I pray for all of them all year and am saddened when I don’t see them.
All to soon our 3 weeks came to an end, and we had to pack up and leave, hoping the “incorruptible seed” was implanted in the hearts of many. I always lift the people of Jamaica up in my prayers, hoping that God will do a Mighty work.









Fall 2023 Sharing the Gospel

This is what is written; The Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His Name to all the nations. Luke 24vs47.
Wow! Seasons pass so fast. With the VB boardwalk fairly desolate now, I have been blessed to be invited to preach the Gospel with some friends at some colleges in Ohio, Connecticut, and Mass. I also worked with Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Amesbury Mass, in Sharing the Gospel with those attending the festivities in Salem Mass. On Oct. 31. Otherwise, I continue to minister outside some abortion clinics in VB, NN, and Richmond. December is the month to give out countless Gospel tracts at the holiday parades in Norfolk, Richmond, Poquoson, Williamsburg, and Hampton. LORD willing, my hope is to travel to Jamaica and evangelize for 3 weeks, as I have for the past 12 years. I have been blessed and encourage by everyone at GBC, and have been strengthened by the preaching and the fellowship. Truly the LORD is good. May we all grow in the Grace and knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ.
I thank everyone who prayed for me for your prayers. I hope to have more photos on my website…
Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, with love incorruptible.
Don Karns

Ocean Swimming

Bicycle Tour

Flowers and Pots

Jamaica 2023


Greetings! God is good all the time.  In January 2023,  I was invited and joined with some dear brothers in Jamaica to share the Gospel in the cities and on the streets. For some, this was our 13th visit, and for others it was the 1st. As in the previous years we stayed at an inexpensive hotel located about 2 miles from the city center of Montego Bay. During our 3 week stay, we also visited and preached the Gospel in Negril, Lucea, Falmouth, and Ocho Rios. While there we preached, gave away Bibles and Gospel tracts, and engaged in many conversations. After 13 years, we have come to know and be known by many, especially in the Montego Bay city center area. This is the gathering place for buying and selling and also the place where the poor, homeless, and insane spend their days, begging for money, food, and Bibles (in that order). Most will be thankful for a soup or a patty which costs about 400 Jamaica dollars. (about $2.00 U.S).

By God’s Grace, this year we were joined for one week by 4 men from Christ Fellowship Bible Church, which is located in St. Louis, including pastor, Geoff Kirkland. They were a wonderful encouragement especially since 3 of them were young men, well taught and full of grace. In fact, we have been invited to join them in St. Louis, Feb. 18, for some preaching at a Mardi Gras event in St. Louis.

On the way to and from Jamaica, I spend a few days ministering outside an abortion clinic in Orlando, with my friend and mentor, John Barros.  

 Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, with love incorruptible. 


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The Promises of God are Sure

The Promises of God are sure.

The Promises of God are Sure.

If Thy Law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.

Ps 119:92

The Precious Promises of GOD’s Word are like cordials to a soul that is ready to faint.

They are full of virtue.

There is a Promise,

“The LORD, Compassionate and Gracious”

(Ex 34:6)

Here, God holds out the golden scepter

to encourage poor trembling sinners to come to Him.

GOD is more willing to pardon, than to punish.

Mercy multiplies more in GOD, than sin in us. Mercy is His nature.

The bee naturally gives honey, and it stings only when provoked.

“But”, says the guilty sinner, “I cannot deserve Mercy”.

Yet, GOD is Gracious. He shows Mercy,

not because we deserve mercy, but because He delights in Mercy.

“But, what is that to me”? “Perhaps my name is not in the Pardon”.

The bank account of Mercy is not exhausted. GOD has treasures lying by,

and why should you not come, for a child’s share?

There is a a Promise working for good

“I will heal their waywardness”.

Hos 14:4

HE has Promised to send His Spirit, Whose sanctifying Power

is like water which cleanses vessels,

and like fire which refines metals.

The Spirit of GOD shall cleanse and consecrate your soul,

making it share in the Divine nature.

There is a Promise working for our good.

“I will be with him in trouble”.

Ps 91:15

God does not bring His people into troubles and leave them there..

God will stand by them. HE will hold their heads and their hearts,

when they are fainting..

“He is their stronghold in time of trouble”.’

Ps 37:39

“Oh”, says the soul, “I shall faint in the day of trial”.

But, GOD will be the strength of our hearts. GOD will join His forces with us.

Either GOD will make the burden, which is placed upon us, to be lighter,

or HE Will make our faith stronger.

There is a Promise,

“Those who seek the LORD, lack no good thing”.

Ps 34:10

If it is good for us, we shall have it.

If it is not good for us, then the withholding of it is good.

This blessing falls, as the honey dew upon the leaf.

It sweetens the little we possess.

Although a child of God might be reduced to great troubles,

yet, they will not be forsaken. They are still an heir to Heaven,

and God loves them for Christ’s sake.

Thomas Watson


Fill our minds with Christ

LORD GOD, as we read Thy Word,

may we see Christ walking in the sweet shades of Divine Love towards poor sinners.

And so, may our faith revive, and our comforts be restored.

When our minds are empty of Christ, as in temptation and the lack of comfort,

then they grind against themselves like an empty mill.

So, fill our minds with Christ, through Thy Word ,

that we may be free from temptations and fears.

May the threats of Thy Word, lead us to its Promises.

And, may we, by relying upon Thy Promises, make them ours,

and find their power and strength.

Animate our study of scriptures,

and so,

pour wine and oil into our bleeding wounds.

And when You have spoken peace and comfort to us,

When Thy face has shone upon our souls,

May we comfort others, with the comfort which we have been comforted,

knowing that the more we spend, the more we shall have.

William Bridge


Let us live in the constant contemplation of the Glory of Christ,

and virtue will proceed from Him

to repair all of our decays, and

to renew a right Spirit with us,

and cause us to abound in all duties of obedience.

The way of producing these effects,

flesh and blood can not reveal, for the life of faith is a mystery

known only to them in whom it is.

John Owen







Ocean Swimming

Bicycle Tour

Flowers and Pots

The Gospel Preached Fall 2022

What doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, to keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good? Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart and be no more stiff-necked. For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, who regards not persons, nor takes reward:
Another season has come and gone; thanks be to God! A great opportunity to share the Gospel at colleges and on the city streets, and even a visit to the Creation Museum in Kentucky.
The Fall season started well with a one-week short term mission, working with the saints at Hallelujah Side Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio.
While there we shared the Gospel in downtown Dayton, and some streets in Cincinnati, and Columbus. We also preached at the following colleges in Ohio. University of Cincinnati, Wright State, Ohio State, and University of Dayton. One morning was spent preaching outside the abortion clinic in Kettering, Ohio.
After a quick trip back home, I then joined some friends in Boston to preach the Gospel in the Northeast. While there we preached on the streets of Boston and New Haven, and we preached at Harvard, Yale, UConn, Southern Connecticut, UMass Boston, and UMass Lowell. At the end of the week most of us made our way to West Virginia, where the following week we preached the Gospel at WVU for 2 days, then at VT for 2 days.
The Lord showed us favor and answered many prayers. There were countless conversations, many many Gospel tracts and Bibles given away, and the Word of God was preached.
Thanks, be to God, for His Mercies endure forever.


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Ocean Swimming

Bicycle Tour

Flowers and Pots

The God Gap 2

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Ocean Swimming

Bicycle Tour

Flowers and Pots

Jamaica 2022

This January, I joined with two other men to evangelize in Jamaica. We have done this for more than ten years, although we missed last year because of the Covid. The mission there this year was certainly more challenging because of all the covid protocols. There was no jab required, but a covid test was required to enter and leave the country. In fact, I had to change my departure date from the U.S. by one day, because of the required test 72 hours prior. I departed from Orlando, and it seemed as if the whole city attempted to be tested at the same time. Once in Jamaica we were fairly free to move around, although masks were required to enter most stores and restaurants, and most of the local restaurants were carry out only. Hence many of our meals were eaten in the outdoors. While in Jamaica we were able to travel and preach and have conversations in Montego Bay, Falmouth, Negril, Ocho Rios, and Saint Lucea. As in the past, most of our preaching was done in town centers, open air markets, and taxi parks. We have a great love for the people of Jamaica, especially with the people who spend   all day at Sam Sharpe’s Square in Montego Bay. We preach near a statue of Sam Sharpe who was a Christian, and a member of Burchell Baptist Church which is still a functioning church. His statue depicts him preaching outdoors with a Bible in his hand. This is very telling of the state of Jamaica which is overcrowded with Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah witnesses, Mormons, and oneness- Pentecostals, whom all reject what the Bible says and what Christians believe.  It is a break for me to visit Jamaica because they are not abortion minded. What saddens me is that they are not so marriage minded, therefore many young women have multiple children yet never married. Ask most adult men how many children they have fathered and there are many, yet few have been husbands. The three of us were able to give away thousands of Gospel tracts and nearly 100 Bibles.

This year we met a young Jamaican man who has recently begun to preach in public. He was a encouragement and a help for us, and I hope we encouraged him. I had feared that some of the regular folk we see every year may have been taken by the covid, but by the Mercies of God, most are still there, buying, selling, begging, or just hanging out.

All too soon the 3 weeks were up and we had to get one final covid test before leaving to return home, God is Good and we were all negative, so we returned safe giving all thanks to God for His many benefits.

Jesus Christ IS LORD of lords and King of kings, the Savior of sinners, and His name is above every name. We preach Christ and Him crucified.

And thanks to all who prayed for us or helped to support us.  IMG_2318