Jamaica 2025 To God be the Glory
January 2025 Another year gone by. Now more than three... Read more →
Spoiled and defeated.
Spoke the chains on me.
Why hope in GOD
You will never be free.
For my grip is too strong
And my rein is too tight,
And you will never escape,
To the day from this night.
Fight all you want!
Pray if you dare!
Your GOD does not love you,
Nor does HE care.
His grace has expired.
His mercies are done.
So why serve Him now?
When I have won.
But while sliding down,
into that sinking sand
Love reached out for me,
With His Nail Scarred Hands.
Strength unparalleled,
By His death on The Cross,
Was now tenderly touching,
All my life’s loss.
Hurts given back,
But now without their sting,
And disappointments and regret,
Not such a big thing.
HE spoke, “Here are your failures,
And many there are,
But I have used them as steps.
That you may reach for the stars.”
For spoiled and defeated ,
You will never be.
Because My Word will deliver
And always succeed
Poem by Lisa Pointer.
She Did What She Could is my newest book. This book took an extremely long time to be published, and there were times that I wondered if it would ever be delivered. But by the grace of God, I now have several hundred copies available to be purchased. They can be ordered from the home page, or you can also visit www.shedidwhatshecould.net which will place you on the home page. The book, She Did What She Could was produced as a powerful evangelizing tool for marginal or non Christians and to encourage and edify Christians. The idea was to provide a glimpse of some genuine Christians, similar to examples which can be found in the Book of Hebrews, chapter eleven. Many have read of the saints in this chapter and I fear that some may think their faith and accomplishments may be too extreme for Christians in our generation. Others feel of little use in serving Christ or advancing the Gospel because of their circumstances or physical abilities.
Throughout my years as a Christian, several issues caused me to see a need for a book such as this. For a time, I visited some local nursing homes with my therapy dog, named Zip. There were times when I would meet and visit an elderly saint who lived as though their age and physical condition would prevent them from doing much for the good of others and for the glory of God. I would remind them to pray for their families from their beds or their wheelchair. I would encourage them to talk to their nurses or the staff and ask that the Bible might be read to them or to ask the staff for any prayer concerns , and then to lift up their hearts to God on behalf of them. In addition, in my ministry as a traveling evangelist, I would provide some Gospel booklets for those that were really interested Many of these booklets were written several hundred years ago and can now only be found in rare books or the multi-volume set of tracts from the American Tract Society. Chapel Library was my best and favorite source for booklets such as these, and they were exceeding generous. Some of these tracts were accompanied by small movements of God each time they were published. I am not aware of any publication other than the American Tract Society seven volume set where many of these booklets are in one place.
She Did What She Could is rooted in the New Testament account of a woman who used up all of her costly perfume by pouring it on the head of Jesus. Although some of the disciples objected, Jesus said, ” She has done what she could”. The book also has the accounts of some Christians familiar to many, such as Ann Judson, Sarah Edwards, Joni Eareckson Tada, and Martin Luther. There are others most American Christians or most of the world at large has never heard of, yet they were poured out, sometimes suffering and dying for Christ’s sake. Others were a beautiful and precious witness for Jesus Christ, even from their death bed. My hope is that many would read these accounts and all would agree that these saints served well and died well.
The book was not written to be a best-seller. It was written that it might stir up the heat’s of those who read it. Who knows what the Lord might do? Maybe if it is of any encouragement to you, you would share it was another Christian. Maybe you would share it with a friend or relative who is not a Christian, hoping that like so many who read of the Dairyman’s Daughter or the Young Cottager they might be convicted of their sins and call upon the Lord.
If you have read the book She Did What She Could and have a critique, criticism, or suggestion please feel free to contact me.
Below are the comments of some who have read the book. May God be glorified!
Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible. Cathy wrote that she was convicted and so moved when she read the book, she prayed that the Lord would provide her with a way to share her faith and maybe plant a Gospel seed or be an encouragement to others. She often takes long walks in a neighborhood park near her home. She has started to write some scripture verses on the stones from her garden, and then leave some in the park, with the hope that some other walker will find the stone and read the message, and be blessed.
Tom and his wife read the book together at their kitchen table, were encouraged and let me know.
Dear brother! My wife and I were greatly encouraged by reading the chapter on the two Margaret’s at dinner. I began crying twice while reading the account. Thank you for such an encouraging book!!
On the next day he sent a second message.
Thank you for joining us for lunch today as we read Surprising Conversions 1.
The 4th Dave did a review of the book “She Did What She Could” at the request of one of his friends. He was most kind, and his review would indicate he spent a little time with it.
For the follower of Jesus, it can be a great encouragement to hear and read stories of past saints who have finished the race well. We see that in the Scriptures, as God gives us what has been called by many the famous “Hall of Faith” chapter in Hebrews 11, detailing how the saints of the Old Testament stood firm on their faith in God and His Word.
In my experience, reading the stories of past believers who have followed Jesus even to the point of death can be a convicting and riveting practice. Whether it’s Foxe’s Book of Martyrs or biographies of past theologians and missionaries, these stories have fueled the fire of devotion and perseverance for generations of Christians seeking to walk the same faithful path, myself included.
I recently finished reading a fine example of this type of spiritual biography that I was pleased to add to my bookshelf: Don Karns’ She Did What She Could. This is a collection of historical accounts, Scripture passages, and biographical tracts from past eras that tell the stories of little-known women of the faith. The title references Mark 14, in which a woman (whom John identifies as Mary, sister of Lazarus) anoints Jesus’ feet with a sweet-smelling ointment. When the disciples complained, Jesus defended her and said she has done all she could to honor him.
Through this collection of historical accounts that Karns has gathered across the centuries of church history, the pleasing aroma of these saints’ devotion is still powerful and praiseworthy.
I was delighted to receive Don Karns’ slim volume in the mail from my friend Michael Coughlin, with a request to share my thoughts. I’m more than happy to satisfy that request now.
The first things about this book that struck me were the notes from Karns himself. In his “Preface,” “Words of Encouragement,” and “Conclusion,” Karns labors to proclaim the Gospel clearly and urgently, in the hope that unsaved readers will understand why these stories are being told and what would drive people throughout the centuries to give up their lives and suffer hardship and martyrdom. The tone of Karns’ writing is winsome and pleading, seeking to make his appeal instead of shout down any expected critics.
I did a little internet research on the author and learned that he is a long-time evangelist and open-air preacher who seems to be respected by many who are familiar with his ministry. When critical or nasty comments are posted on his ministry website’s homepage, the responses from the site account are nothing but pleasant, earnest, and humble as they refute the accusations of the pagans and respond with Scripture.
Just as the testimonies of the inconspicuous women being highlighted in this work draw out the sweet aroma of Christ, I was touched by that same sweetness in the language Karns uses. Without knowing anything about him specifically, I can tell what kind of man he might be, making me all the more willing to read his compilation of testimonies.
The bulk of the volume consists of various historical accounts of women of faith. A few notable names are included in the group (such as Ann Judson and Joni Erickson-Tada), but most of them are all but unknown to most readers. This accounts of “the young cottager” or “the dairyman’s daughter” provide portraits of humble folk (often the very young or those facing the shadow of death) who are transformed by the Gospel. In many ways, these accounts remind me of The Pilgrim’s Progress, not because they are in any way fictional but because the lofty speech and conversation are full of allusions to Scripture.
In some of these accounts, I have to confess that I struggled to follow the dialogue sometimes. That might be blamed on my “reading muscles” becoming a bit too flabby as of late. At times, I did wonder if these conversations were a bit too lofty to be realistic, but that also may be due to the low expectations of a modern mind! Even if some of the wording of these accounts might have been “polished up” a bit to make clearer points, I have no reason to doubt they are truthful in the main.
My favorite section by far was the one titled “Women of the Covenant,” recounting the martyrdom of several women who were part of the Scottish “covenanters.” While the stories are just as challenging and encouraging as the other sections, the writing of this particular passage was poetic and vivid, and I found myself stopping to re-read several sentences that were perfectly crafted.
Karns closes the book by throwing the reader a curve ball. After regaling us with story after story of women of faith, he closes with a sermon excerpt from the Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon, and a brief account of Luther’s prayer on the night before his “Here I Stand” speech at the Diet of Worms. However out-of-theme these inclusions were, they were fully in-step with the spirit of the book as a whole, calling unbelievers to trust in Jesus for salvation and challenging believers to live lives of faith and sacrifice for His glory.
As lovely as the contents of this volume are, I would be remiss not to address the problems I have with its presentation and production. It’s clear as soon as you pick the book up that it was self-published. On the whole, there’s nothing wrong with self-publishing a book. I’ve read more than a few self-published works in my time (I may even write a few someday), and they can be edited and produced to meet or even surpass the industry standard. However, I should note certain issues with this one, if for no other reason than the off-chance the author or his ministry partners are considering an additional print run and would be willing to make corrections.
The formatting of the work is inconsistent throughout, changing font types and sizes. Sometimes, the formatting is oppressively dense, including several sections of block text without visual breaks that go on for pages at a time. While I recognize that the source material was likely written and typeset in the same manner, I would ask the author (or others producing similar works) to take the liberty of reformatting these entries for better readability and acknowledging the changes with an editor’s note of some kind. There are also a handful of typos that should have been caught during the proofreading process; those sorts of things happen in even the big publishing houses, but that means it’s all the more important for the small team working on a book like this to be extra careful, as fewer eyes will see it before its release.
These may be considered nit-pick criticisms, but if one’s goal is to bring these stories to a new audience, or even (as the author seems to indicate) to share them with non-believers, part of the ministry work is taking the time to put out an excellent product free of the editorial distractions that could undercut or cheapen the overall presentation.
To Don Karns and anyone else who may be working on a self-published book like this, I urge you not to skip out on this vital step in the process. (By the way, if you are looking to hire a manuscript editor / proofreader for a bit of contract work, I’m available!)
She Did What She Could is a worthwhile read that presents a collection of mostly-unknown Gospel conversion and martyrdom stories from church history. From a publishing standpoint, the book needs some polish and updates, but that doesn’t detract from the message. If you love Jesus, this volume will help you to treasure and trust him all the more, as you walk through these short histories of women of whom the world was not worthy.
You can pick up a copy of the book at the author’s ministry website, at a pretty affordable price. For the spiritual value you will receive, I think it would be money well-spent.
To be a Christian is to want for others what you want for yourself, peace, security, and assurance of eternal life in the presence of GOD. In a culture like present day America, to speak of peace and security is something you can only find in history books, or old movies . How or where could one find peace or security in a world perishing due to climate change, pandemics, and racial injustice? Although the BLM followers, Antifa, and politicians promise, “Peace, Peace,” there is no Peace, for the world is passing away and the lusts therein. There was once a Peace on earth, in a place called Paradise.(Genesis 1-2,), but through one man came sin and through sin came death and now death has come upon all men (WHY?) Because ( ALL ) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
“No skin color mentioned there.”
GOD created the human race, by breathing His eternal breath into the body He formed resulting in living eternal souls, much different than all else He had created; in fact He made men in HIS likeness. But now because of sin, when GOD searches the entire human race, of all those descended from the first human beings, (Adama and his wife Eve) He finds ( None ) righteous,
No Not one.
“No skin color mentioned there. ”
The Bible distinguishes humans in terms of moral character, the righteous and the unrighteousness, those saved and the unsaved, the believer and unbeliever. It is the world and men and women like Charles Darwin (1) and Margaret Sanger(2) who teach and put forward racist ideology.
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. –
Saved from sins like racism, sexual immorality, drunkenness, selfishness, and most
of all :
“Wrong thinking”.
What is wrong with the human race? We ( ALL) are; until God has given us a new heart, for we are born with a heart which is self-centered and corrupt. Because of the sin of the first Adam, we are ( ALL ) born with a nature that is in bondage to sin and a heart that seeks after sin even though sin will never be enough to satisfy. Jesus Christ taught that unless one is born again (born from above), he can not enter the Kingdom of God.
The Bible says we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for what we have done in our body, whether it be good or evil.
“No skin color mentioned there”
Many are on the broad road that leads to destruction who love their sin and prefer their sin rather rather than Christ and everyone who does wicked things hates the light and is not willing to come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
Therefore, this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. –
Hard sayings, but most of us by now, have experienced that the way of the transgressor is hard. Some may have yet hidden their sins and avoided the consequences, but be sure your sins will find you out.
The human race, being made in the likeness of God, is rightfully held accountable to GOD. He did not make angels, animals, matter, or energy in His image, only men and women. All things which GOD creates has a purpose, a meaning, and a value. All things are created by GOD so that they would glorify God by existing. Humans were made eternal living souls so that they should love and honor and trust GOD in addition to glorifying God by their existence; and, only humans were created for this. The stars and the sea, the mountains and the valleys, the mammals and the reptiles, even the holy angels were not created in a way that they could love God. GOD has created us with the knowledge of right and wrong (conscience) therefore He finds us not only guilty but without excuse. In addition, the holy righteousness God, The LORD, tests the righteous, but HIS soul hates the wicked and
the one who loves violence. (does evil)
Apart from Jesus Christ we are all seen by God as guilty and without excuse and deserving of his hatred.
But thanks be to God, the Bible says that: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. –
“no skin color mentioned there”
He did not give His Son as a reward for good behavior. Instead He gave His Son because He knew that we were broken and could not mend ourselves, and we were stained and polluted by sin and could not cleanse ourselves, and we were in bondage to sin and could not free ourselves. He gave His Son to die for sinners. Thanks be to GOD. His love for those who believe is caused by absolutely nothing in us, but instead is a Redeeming love, a gratuitous love, an amazing love. Jesus said “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through Me.
Meaning that because of what Jesus did by living in obedience to God, even to death on a cross, and dying for the sins His people committed, and resurrecting from the dead, we can approach GOD as our eternal Father, in Redeeming love, instead of a righteous and Holy Judge, and we can be received by GOD as HIS children because Jesus has redeemed us by His blood so we might cry “Abba, Father”. And even more glorious is it that Jesus made a ( Way )
by which GOD and man can be reconciled, Jesus cleared away all of the obstacles keeping us from looking towards heaven, and because of the perfect, finished work of Jesus Christ, the gates of heaven are swung wide open.
What then, would keep you from coming to Christ? Your pride, your sin, your anger?
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.” – Acts 17:30-31
” No skin color mentioned there”
For years now I have come to your campus in faith and in love, pleading for souls, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. –
For those who continue to reject what Christ has done,
Let the sinner say farewell:
To God and Christ and eternal life
For you say
“‘but I must have my sin”.
Then bid Farewell to GOD and heaven and
Say farewell to all that Christ has purchased by His blood.
For you would rather say
“farewell to all” rather than lose your sin.
Even though by now, you know your sin will never keep you satisfied, and your conscience knows how much and how many are your sins, and with the slightest inspection you ought to know that you have a bad record and a bad heart. Will I see you next year, or next week? That you do not know. The gift of GOD is eternal life. Saving faith is a divine gift that God gives freely by His grace.
Repent and believe the Gospel before its too late. Repent and be converted so that your sins can be blotted out.
Consider what one man did which led to his conversion. He came to consider this, “What if there is something about this faith and Christianity I have “miss-understood”, or deceived myself about. What if some of my friends misled or lied to me to keep me as lost as they are. Can I really trust them to be honest about GOD? Can I
really trust myself with regards to God?
Why and when did I come to have this hatred and knowledge of GOD? Who led me or taught me to believe that there is no God. I have been wrong about so many other things in my life, is it possible I don’t really know so much as I claim to know.
Salvation is not merely knowing what others don’t know or are wrong about,
to be saved is to taste and see that the LORD is good…….
and HE IS….,
Remember what you heard
and what you lost
what you might have had
but you lost all, for your sin.
Don Karns
sin awareness day
(1) Charles Darwin,
Origin of species. Preservation of favored races.
Descent of man
(2 ) Margaret Sanger
Woman and the new race
The case for birth control
The pivot of civilization
To be a Christian is to want for others what you want for yourself, peace, security, and assurance of eternal life in the presence of GOD. In a culture like present day America, to speak of peace and security is something you can only find in history books, or old movies . How or where could one find peace or security in a world perishing due to climate change, pandemics, and racial injustice? Although the BLM followers, Antifa, and politicians promise, “Peace, Peace,” there is no Peace, for the world is passing away and the lusts therein. There was once a Peace on earth, in a place called Paradise.(Genesis 1-2,), but through one man came sin and through sin came death and now death has come upon all men (WHY?) Because ( ALL ) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
“No skin color mentioned there.”
GOD created the human race, by breathing His eternal breath into the body He formed resulting in living eternal souls, much different than all else He had created; in fact He made men in HIS likeness. But now because of sin, when GOD searches the entire human race, of all those descended from the first human beings, (Adama and his wife Eve) He finds ( None ) righteous,
No Not one.
“No skin color mentioned there. ”
The Bible distinguishes humans in terms of moral character, the righteous and the unrighteousness, those saved and the unsaved, the believer and unbeliever. It is the world and men and women like Charles Darwin (1) and Margaret Sanger(2) who teach and put forward racist ideology.
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. –
Saved from sins like racism, sexual immorality, drunkenness, selfishness, and most
of all :
“Wrong thinking”.
What is wrong with the human race? We ( ALL) are; until God has given us a new heart, for we are born with a heart which is self-centered and corrupt. Because of the sin of the first Adam, we are ( ALL ) born with a nature that is in bondage to sin and a heart that seeks after sin even though sin will never be enough to satisfy. Jesus Christ taught that unless one is born again (born from above), he can not enter the Kingdom of God.
The Bible says we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for what we have done in our body, whether it be good or evil.
“No skin color mentioned there”
Many are on the broad road that leads to destruction who love their sin and prefer their sin rather rather than Christ and everyone who does wicked things hates the light and is not willing to come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
Therefore, this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. –
Hard sayings, but most of us by now, have experienced that the way of the transgressor is hard. Some may have yet hidden their sins and avoided the consequences, but be sure your sins will find you out.
The human race, being made in the likeness of God, is rightfully held accountable to GOD. He did not make angels, animals, matter, or energy in His image, only men and women. All things which GOD creates has a purpose, a meaning, and a value. All things are created by GOD so that they would glorify God by existing. Humans were made eternal living souls so that they should love and honor and trust GOD in addition to glorifying God by their existence; and, only humans were created for this. The stars and the sea, the mountains and the valleys, the mammals and the reptiles, even the holy angels were not created in a way that they could love God. GOD has created us with the knowledge of right and wrong (conscience) therefore He finds us not only guilty but without excuse. In addition, the holy righteousness God, The LORD, tests the righteous, but HIS soul hates the wicked and
the one who loves violence. (does evil)
Apart from Jesus Christ we are all seen by God as guilty and without excuse and deserving of his hatred.
But thanks be to God, the Bible says that: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. –
“no skin color mentioned there”
He did not give His Son as a reward for good behavior. Instead He gave His Son because He knew that we were broken and could not mend ourselves, and we were stained and polluted by sin and could not cleanse ourselves, and we were in bondage to sin and could not free ourselves. He gave His Son to die for sinners. Thanks be to GOD. His love for those who believe is caused by absolutely nothing in us, but instead is a Redeeming love, a gratuitous love, an amazing love. Jesus said “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through Me.
Meaning that because of what Jesus did by living in obedience to God, even to death on a cross, and dying for the sins His people committed, and resurrecting from the dead, we can approach GOD as our eternal Father, in Redeeming love, instead of a righteous and Holy Judge, and we can be received by GOD as HIS children because Jesus has redeemed us by His blood so we might cry “Abba, Father”. And even more glorious is it that Jesus made a ( Way )
by which GOD and man can be reconciled, Jesus cleared away all of the obstacles keeping us from looking towards heaven, and because of the perfect, finished work of Jesus Christ, the gates of heaven are swung wide open.
What then, would keep you from coming to Christ? Your pride, your sin, your anger?
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.” – Acts 17:30-31
” No skin color mentioned there”
For years now I have come to your campus in faith and in love, pleading for souls, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. –
For those who continue to reject what Christ has done,
Let the sinner say farewell:
To God and Christ and eternal life
For you say
“‘but I must have my sin”.
Then bid Farewell to GOD and heaven and
Say farewell to all that Christ has purchased by His blood.
For you would rather say
“farewell to all” rather than lose your sin.
Even though by now, you know your sin will never keep you satisfied, and your conscience knows how much and how many are your sins, and with the slightest inspection you ought to know that you have a bad record and a bad heart. Will I see you next year, or next week? That you do not know. The gift of GOD is eternal life. Saving faith is a divine gift that God gives freely by His grace.
Repent and believe the Gospel before its too late. Repent and be converted so that your sins can be blotted out.
Consider what one man did which led to his conversion. He came to consider this, “What if there is something about this faith and Christianity I have “miss-understood”, or deceived myself about. What if some of my friends misled or lied to me to keep me as lost as they are. Can I really trust them to be honest about GOD? Can I
really trust myself with regards to God?
Why and when did I come to have this hatred and knowledge of GOD? Who led me or taught me to believe that there is no God. I have been wrong about so many other things in my life, is it possible I don’t really know so much as I claim to know.
Salvation is not merely knowing what others don’t know or are wrong about,
to be saved is to taste and see that the LORD is good…….
and HE IS….,
Remember what you heard
and what you lost
what you might have had
but you lost all, for your sin.
Don Karns
sin awareness day
(1) Charles Darwin,
Origin of species. Preservation of favored races.
Descent of man
(2 ) Margaret Sanger
Woman and the new race
The case for birth control
The pivot of civilization
To be a Christian is to want for others what you want for yourself, peace, security, and assurance eternal life in the presence of GOD. In a culture like present day America, to speak of peace and security is something you can only find in history books, or old movies . How or where could one find peace or security in a world perishing due to climate change, pandemics, and racial injustice? Although the BLM followers, Antifa, and politicians promise, “Peace, Peace,” there is no Peace, for the world is passing away and the lusts therein. There was once a Peace on earth, in a place called Paradise.(Genesis 1-2,), but through one man came sin and through sin came death and now death has come upon all men (WHY?) Because ( ALL ) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
“No skin color mentioned there.”
GOD created the human race, by breathing His eternal breath into the body He formed resulting in living eternal souls, much different than all else He had created; in fact He made men in HIS likeness. But now because of sin, when GOD searches the entire human race, of all those descended from the first human beings, (Adama and his wife Eve) He finds ( None ) righteous,
No Not one.
“No skin color mentioned there. ”
The Bible distinguishes humans in terms of moral character, the righteous and the unrighteousness, those saved and the unsaved, the believer and unbeliever. It is the world and men and women like Charles Darwin (1) and Margaret Sanger(2) who teach and put forward racist ideology.
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. –
Saved from sins like racism, sexual immorality, drunkenness, selfishness, and most
of all :
“Wrong thinking”.
What is wrong with the human race? We ( ALL) are; until God has given us a new heart, for we are born with a heart which is self-centered and corrupt. Because of the sin of the first Adam, we are ( ALL ) born with a nature that is in bondage to sin and a heart that seeks after sin even though sin will never be enough to satisfy. Jesus Christ taught that unless one is born again (born from above), he can not enter the Kingdom of God.
The Bible says we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for what we have done in our body, whether it be good or evil.
“No skin color mentioned there”
Many are on the broad road that leads to destruction who love their sin and prefer their sin rather rather than Christ and everyone who does wicked things hates the light and is not willing to come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
Therefore, this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. –
Hard sayings, but most of us by now, have experienced that the way of the transgressor is hard. Some may have yet hidden their sins and avoided the consequences, but be sure your sins will find you out.
The human race, being made in the likeness of God, is rightfully held accountable to GOD. He did not make angels, animals, matter, or energy in His image, only men and women. All things which GOD creates has a purpose, a meaning, and a value. All things are created by GOD so that they would glorify God by existing. Humans were made eternal living souls so that they should love and honor and trust GOD in addition to glorifying God by their existence; and, only humans were created for this. The stars and the sea, the mountains and the valleys, the mammals and the reptiles, even the holy angels were not created in a way that they could love God. GOD has created us with the knowledge of right and wrong (conscience) therefore He finds us not only guilty but without excuse. In addition, the holy righteousness God, The LORD, tests the righteous, but HIS soul hates the wicked and
the one who loves violence. (does evil)
Apart from Jesus Christ we are all seen by God as guilty and without excuse and deserving of his hatred.
But thanks be to God, the Bible says that: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. –
“no skin color mentioned there”
He did not give His Son as a reward for good behavior. Instead He gave His Son because He knew that we were broken and could not mend ourselves, and we were stained and polluted by sin and could not cleanse ourselves, and we were in bondage to sin and could not free ourselves. He gave His Son to die for sinners. Thanks be to GOD. His love for those who believe is caused by absolutely nothing in us, but instead is a Redeeming love, a gratuitous love, an amazing love. Jesus said “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through Me.
Meaning that because of what Jesus did by living in obedience to God, even to death on a cross, and dying for the sins His people committed, and resurrecting from the dead, we can approach GOD as our eternal Father, in Redeeming love, instead of a righteous and Holy Judge, and we can be received by GOD as HIS children because Jesus has redeemed us by His blood so we might cry “Abba, Father”. And even more glorious is it that Jesus made a ( Way )
by which GOD and man can be reconciled, Jesus cleared away all of the obstacles keeping us from looking towards heaven, and because of the perfect, finished work of Jesus Christ, the gates of heaven are swung wide open.
What then, would keep you from coming to Christ? Your pride, your sin, your anger?
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.” – Acts 17:30-31
” No skin color mentioned there”
For years now I have come to your campus in faith and in love, pleading for souls, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. –
For those who continue to reject what Christ has done,
Let the sinner say farewell:
To God and Christ and eternal life
For you say
“‘but I must have my sin”.
Then bid Farewell to GOD and heaven and
Say farewell to all that Christ has purchased by His blood.
For you would rather say
“farewell to all” rather than lose your sin.
Even though by now, you know your sin will never keep you satisfied, and your conscience knows how much and how many are your sins, and with the slightest inspection you ought to know that you have a bad record and a bad heart. Will I see you next year, or next week? That you do not know. The gift of GOD is eternal life. Saving faith is a divine gift that God gives freely by His grace.
Repent and believe the Gospel before its too late. Repent and be converted so that your sins can be blotted out.
Consider what one man did which led to his conversion. He came to consider this, “What if there is something about this faith and Christianity I have “miss-understood”, or deceived myself about. What if some of my friends misled or lied to me to keep me as lost as they are. Can I really trust them to be honest about GOD? Can I
really trust myself with regards to God?
Why and when did I come to have this hatred and knowledge of GOD? Who led me or taught me to believe that there is no God. I have been wrong about so many other things in my life, is it possible I don’t really know so much as I claim to know.
Salvation is not merely knowing what others don’t know or are wrong about,
to be saved is to taste and see that the LORD is good…….
and HE IS….,
Remember what you heard
and what you lost
what you might have had
but you lost all, for your sin.
Don Karns
sin awareness day
(1) Charles Darwin,
Origin of species. Preservation of favored races.
Descent of man
(2 ) Margaret Sanger
Woman and the new race
The case for birth control
The pivot of civilization
While ministering at the Newport News abortion clinic on a hot August day, we were greatly blessed by the Green family. 9 prolife volunteers to the rescue. Praise be to GOD!
2020 may be a year in which many remember as the year of the Covid, lock down, face mask, Black lives matter protests, church closings, and public schools shut down. 2020, for a Christian ought always to remind them of the birth of Jesus Christ at what was just the right time. The trials and tribulations that every person on the whole planet endures should remind us that we are no longer in the paradise, or in the garden where God placed the first man and woman. For those who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, we know why all the suffering occurs daily, because of the sins of humans who were made in the image of God. Sadly, for most of the world, since sin is not much spoken of, what we are experiencing are “problems” which can be fixed by: riot, protests, education, money, or government.. Even after thousands of years of humans living on earth and after so many invented cures and reforms, apart from God and His Christ there really is no hope. The media goes to great lengths to convince us that we are only one pandemic away from death due to pestilence, or a stock market crash from famine, or a national disagreement which leads to death by the sword. The motive for the media is not to encourage people to look to God, but to look anywhere and everywhere else for safety, peace, and happiness. A new or different Government, a vaccination or cure for disease, or a life filled with so much entertainment and amusement that we would forget about tomorrow and simply eat drink and be merry.
But Christians know that not only does God exist, but, He has appointed for each one of us a day to die and afterwards a judgment, and nothing invented by men, women, or angels, can interfere or improve on God’s decree. We are not merely outside of paradise, but the way back into the presence of God is blocked to all except for those whom God has reconciled to Himself through Jesus Christ. HE is the blessed of Hope and the only hope for those we call “human beings”. For as God has revealed in His Word, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, there is none righteous, we have all like sheep gone astray. There is so much effort expended by men to distinguish themselves by their skin color, their finance, their learning, their strength, their privilege, or their suffering, yet God sees our heart and not our outward appearance. So often people complain about the evil in the world or the selfish behavior of men and women, What God has made known through Hos Word and by His Son is that only God is good and God is the fountain and source of all that is good. God sees mankind as fallen, broken, sinful, and in need of a Savior. Praise be to God, who provided a Savior, and to Him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever. Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. ( Luke 24vs47). That would be the name of this website, and that would be my heart’s desire, to be used by God for a mission like that, under the banner of Jesus Christ. So much racism and hatred, and so much anger seemingly in every city on earth.
Worthy are You to take the scroll and to open its seals,
For You were slain, and by Your blood You ransomed people for God
From every tribe and language and people and nation.
Like many people I prefer a orderly and consistent life, and am not so comfortable with changes. This year started out as many previous, with an outreach in Jamaica, and some time in Belize working along side some other Christian missionaries in sharing the Gospel. But now, God has graciously provided many opportunities for sharing the Gospel through preaching, offering Gospel tracts, and sometimes holding a scripture board. The small team I generally work with here locally has faithfully gone to the Virginia Beach boardwalk every Saturday except for really when there is bad rain. The crowds in Virginia Beach are much smaller than previous years, but by God’s grace more locals were out, and they were more receptive to hearing or receiving Christian literature, We have provided substantially more Gospel tracts this year than ever before. Apart from a few men espousing the doctrine of “black Hebrew Israelites” we have not been severely harassed by anyone, and thanks be to God, this is without the normal presence of VB police (who have not been present this year). Each week there has been a few people hang around to listen or encourage us, and during the summer, 2 young men joined us for the first time, which was encouraging to us, and I hope they were encouraged. (they came more than once anyway) . If any were to wonder of the fruit of such an endeavor, it is generally not so different than in Athens when Paul preached at Mars Hill. Some mocked, some listened, and we pray that some had their heart opened or at least spent some time pondering in their heart what they heard. Gospel tracts are amazing, because when one is received it may be read by other family members or friends who were not at the boardwalk. On one occasion as my friend Jason was preaching, a middle aged man approached him saying that he had heard Jason several years ago, gotten angry, and left. He made a point to thank Jason personally, confessing that since that time, he had repented of his sins and trusted in Jesus Christ. He was exceeding thankful.
I have also spent most Saturday afternoons at Colonial Williamsburg, sharing the Gospel with a decent number of people, who spend their Saturdays at the Williamsburg Farmers market, and, this year (due to the Covid), Williamsburg has placed tables and chairs in the middle of Duke of Gloucester Street for those dining outside. Because of a group of college students / Black Lives Matter protesters, (who condemn everyone in Williamsburg for being privileged,) the Williamsburg visitors have been much more receptive to the preaching of the Gospel, often bringing me water as an act of kindness. More recently the College students choose to stay on the far side of Duke of Gloucester Street, nearer to the campus.
There has also been much pro-life ministry locally, especially because most of the Roman Catholics avoided or were told to avoid the abortion clinics during the lockdowns, I was asked by one of the VB pro-life groups to minister outside the abortion clinics in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, in addition to the Newport News abortion clinic every Thursday. The Virginia governor has changed some laws regarding abortion recently, such that, there is no longer a requirement for an ultrasound or a 24 hour wait between ultra sound and abortion. This has allowed the abortion clinics to minimize the days in which they require the presence of licensed MD’s. They can now schedule all the abortions for 2 or 3 days each week, hence the clinics are more crowded on those particular days. Now that the lock downs are over more Roman Catholics are returning. Quite often they would be opposed to someone preaching or speaking to the women entering an abortion clinic, preferring instead to pray the rosary quietly. Depending on their doctrine, repetitiously praying the rosary will either cause God to intervene for the sake of Mary or will minimize the time the person praying must remain in purgatory. Although I would not agree with any of their doctrines, I think the sidewalk outside an abortion clinic is not a place to debate or argue religion. In addition, their presence and numbers on a sidewalk may discourage some mothers from having an abortion, and most people who drive by have no idea what Roman Catholics believe or what the difference between a Roman catholic and a Christian is.
The best blessing of this summer has been to be able to gather with my friends and family in Christ on Sundays. When traveling I endeavor to never fail to meet with some saints on the Lord’s Day, but it is a different group in England, Scotland, Wales Ireland etc. What a blessing to sit under good preaching and hear scripture exposited line by line, and encourage and love one another. I am thoroughly persuaded that we must worship the Lord at all times and serve Him every day, and redeem the time, deny ourselves and pick up our cross daily, but Oh what a joy for Christians to gather together to exalt the name of Jesus together. Oh for one thousand tongues to sing ,
To God all glory, praise, and love
be now and ever giv’n
by saints below and saints above
the church in earth and heaven…
After a wonderful start of the new year, with some ministry in Jamaica, Florida, Texas, and Belize, I was brought home to all the manifestations of Covid. But God is good and His lovingkindness endures forever..
Praise the Lord, and ascribe to Him glory, and power, might, and dominion now and forevermore.
2019 was a wonderful year the Lord provided for witnessing for Jesus Christ, preaching the Gospel, and encouraging other believers. And of course, being encouraged and blessed by brothers and sisters in Christ. A full year with much travel; Jamaica, Belize, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Dominican Republic, and many different states, cities, and colleges.
Fall 2019 was an especially full season of preaching at universities throughout much of America. A new generation of young adults, no longer wanting to be called or associated with millennials or gen x, this generation would attempt to disregard any previous generation. “OK Boomer” would be their slogan; which is their way of dismissing anything from the past as irrelevant. Previous generations were known for a gesture rather than a slogan, interpreted “talk to the hand”. This year we saw an increase in the denial of absolutes as well as a decrease in the number of professing Christians, or those who would publicly claim to believe in Jesus Christ. We also experienced an increase in lawlessness on campus which is often tolerated and coddled by campus police. Although I attempt to make all of my items secure and label them, there were signs stolen, a leather sign portfolio, Christian literature, and a preaching stool {all stolen} in public and in broad daylight. In the case of the stool, the young man was apprehended by the police, and although I requested for no charges to be brought against him, he was taken to court and the stool became evidence, which means I did not get it back. The police felt certain he would only get a reprimand or a period of probation. ( see link to UMass Amherst news). We shared the Gospel on more campuses than I will mention, but we started in Albuquerque and finished in Massachusetts. We were also hosted or joined by different churches in N.M. Denver, Columbia Mo. St. Louis Ill. Pa. R.I. and Mass. The Lord provided for us and kept us safe. I was also blessed to preach in the open air at the Lincoln Memorial and outside the White House, and in some cities with great need of a hope which no government agency can supply: downtown Albuquerque, Camden, NJ, Newark N.J. NYC union square, and Boston.
This season was also different in that after preaching at several of the colleges, a student would hand us a handwritten note, encouraging us, or apologizing for the behavior of their classmates. At one of the Colleges where we have often evangelized, I had a conversation with a very humble young man who had been raised by a catholic parent, but had no idea of what Christianity is all about. I left him with some Christian literature and my contact info and promised that I would e mail him with the address of some Christian churches near enough to his campus in Boston so that he could visit. This is one of the colleges we visit more than once, and when I met him several weeks later he was very joyful and thankful. He had begun attending one of the churches on the “Nine-Marks church list” I had provided him. I pray and hope that God will continue to draw him to Jesus Christ.
( a copy of his response is below). The finale of the fall preaching is Salem Massachusetts on Oct 31, Halloween. As in previous years, I was assisted and hosted by Pastor Stephen Brock from True Gospel Baptist Church in Salem Mass. I was also assisted by many friends who came to co-labor with me. Friends drove or flew in from Va. NC. Ga. NY, and NH. Halloween is a full day, from noon until 10 PM. The Salem event is very intense and many people will demonstrate their anger or hatred of God when Jesus Christ is preached. This year more than ever the crowd would seethe and rail against the Gospel. I am always hurt when I read the Gospel accounts of the people in Jesus’ time chanting “crucify Him”. Surely this was an irrational hatred of the One who did all things well. This year often the crowd at Salem would chant vile and profane blasphemies against God and against His Christ. A large portion of Salem is blocked off to allow for the festivities on Halloween, and there are countless things (mostly occult) the Salem party-goers could participate in, but many will spend hours trying to drown out or intimidate the Christians there who are proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. This was a long and arduous trip, but the Lord was our strength and our shield. And the love of Christ and the love for our neighbors compels us to remain faithful and endure until the end. We have no reason to fear or be downcast, for Jesus Christ has overcome the world. For there is no disease of sin He can not heal, and no chain of sin He can not break, and nothing is beyond the exceeding greatness of His power – to us who believe.
Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.
Note: this is acopy of a email from a man from attending UIMass Boston.
Good Evening Sir,
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our conversation and the words you and your brothers in Christ were speaking. I got home to my apartment and sat on my couch and started reading. I called the Charles’s River Church and left a voicemail. The other ones you recommend the Ashmont Calvary Church is in walking distance and the closest. I know today was not a coincidence. I left because I had to pick up my car and had an appointment at the Veterans Hospital today at 3. I got on the bus from school after I talked with you and it was supposed to drop me off at the train (subway) station. It didn’t and I stayed on it and it turned back to UMASS. I canceled my VA appointment on the phone and stayed there. I didn’t know what or why I was being pulled back but the first thing that popped into my mind walking back to were y’all were was God telling me to stand there with you all. I felt like I needed to be there and to stand there. I observed the other students and couldn’t believe how much hate and anger they had in their hearts. They did not want to listen but wanted confrontation. I was feeling angry like them at them and had to calm myself and pray for them to. Even though when you left I told them “who are you going to heckle now” they had nothing better to do but to distract Gods message from ears who wanted to hear and also distracted others who couldn’t hear over their yelling. You all had more composer and grace than I thought anyone could. I learned something from that today. I really appreciate you taking your time to talk with me and everyone at school today. I’m scared and will seek Jesus. I always feel guilty after Sins and seeing or hearing or doing unclean things. I worry and confused as to I’m a sinner and I could never be perfect or not sin. I know in the future I’ll get angry or look at a woman and have impure thoughts in the future and I don’t want these thoughts or feelings. I can’t overcome my failures without Jesus and don’t want to live in darkness. I give my life to Jesus and put my trust in him. My father has an amazing story of redemption and Salvation and something that he shared with me and some others and I would like to tell you his story if that’s possible. I checked my e-mail twice since I got home in hopes you would email me. Thank you Sir and to everyone that was there at UMASS today. I would like to keep in touch if that’s possible. Thank you again.
Very Respectfully,
Below are some links to college Newspaper or videos produced by the students. Discernment is necessary because each of the writers or producer has their own bias, and often they report the reactions of other students, who have their opinions regarding what they saw or heard. A day on campus is usually 4 or 5 hours long, yet some accounts are documented, coming from someone who walked by or spent a few minutes listening.
UMass Students vs Christian Preachers: Who should our university protect?
Finally, I have included the video of a young man at Boston commons with a great gift of song, yet having hard times on the street. He was a professing Christian and aa true blessing to me.
America would appear to be in a full force moral decline. Although Almighty God’s arm in not too short to save, the Bride of Christ for the most part, except for a remnant is not willing to be a light in the darkness, nor salt to a nation that is rotting and polluted. Each Christian is saved by Jesus Christ for a purpose, to walk in the works God has prepared for him, before the foundation of the world. This is not to say all of those who remain silent and keep their peace amidst a spiritual battle being waged against the kingdom of God, are lost or condemned, but it may be a demonstration that many have:
Forsaken the study of the Bible, preferring to follow their heart or be led by their feelings.
because of itchy ears have sought out teachers skilled in scratchy itchy ears.
Been taught by false teachers, false prophets, or one without knowledge.
Because assimilated by the secular culture, and lost their saltiness.
It may also be that there are many nowadays who have been deceived into thinking they belong to Jesus Christ yet have never been regenerated, and are walking by the flesh with no Holy Spirit to guide them in paths of righteousness. Once again the primary issue is the deceitful heart of men and women, and false or faulty teaching by the Shepherds of Christ’s sheep. Also the god of this world has blinded the eyes of many and for some; because they don’t accept the truth, God Himself sends them strong delusions.
There are some simple truths found in the Bible that are often passed over because the general principle has been taught so often the specific meaning and application has been lost.
For example; The current debate concerning evolution in which Bible believing Christians rightly declare from Gen 1 that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. However in the issue with gender confusion, sexual perversity, and same sex attraction most will argue from a temporal viewpoint rather than rightly declaring from Gen 2 that “therefore a mam, shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh”. The Old and New Testament both speak against men laying with men, but the Genesis passage and also the New Testament letter to the Church in Rome, Chapter 1, would denouncing not just the sexual act, but the sinful passions, vile affections, and perverted desires. Sadly, because so many no longer study the scriptures, this can be deceived not just from the media, but also from the pulpit that perverted attractions can be normal for Born again Christians, filled with the Holy Spirit.
Another example of false teaching or wrong thinking is the issue of abortion. Referring again to the Genesis 1, God reveals that men and women are made in the image of God. Hence, in a spiritual sense, abortion is the destroying of the image of God and disposing of it as waste, as though humans have no meaning, no purpose, and no value. What man or women with a true love toward God can be silent with regards to His image bearers being destroyed? In a practical sense, countless times men and women entering abortion clinics claim to be Christians, claim to have prayed to God, claim to have the blessing of their pastor, or even claim they are sending their unborn child to heaven. This rebellion and self will have their practical commencement as read in Genesis 3, that as a consequence of the sin of Adam and his wife, there would be enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. This enmity has been manifested throughout the ages in murder, racism, slavery, genocide, and abortion. Many guilty of such sins against those made in God’s image would paraphrase Adam’s son Cain as written in Genesis chapter4 by saying ” surely I am not my brother’s keeper.”
The Bible makes known the character of God, the sinfulness of men apart from Christ, the judgment of God after death, and the way by which God and sinner can be reconciled. Starting with the creation of men by God, the Author of life, and of God breathing eternal life into the earthen vessel made in His image, it is also revealed that “life is in the blood”. Therefore one of the things God hates is “the shedding of innocent blood”, and God is angry with the wicked, and will by no means clear the guilty. The temporal punishment for taking a life is to have your life taken, but after death, then come the judgment. This judgment will not be by sinful men but by a holy God. This judgment will not be by disinterested magistrates or unbiased overseers who might recuse themselves if there was a conflict of interest. This eternal judgment will be by the One true God, Who has written His law on every man’s heart, is angry at all evil doers, hates the hands that shed innocent blood, and promises to show mercy relative to the mercy shown to others. The Apostle declares that ” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God“. There may be a way that seems right, appears right, or feels right to men and women, but the way therein leads to death. Therefore we must not lean on our own understanding, but we must in all our ways acknowledge God, that He would guide our path. All of the preceding truths would confirm that it is never God’s way that would involve abortion, for God has commanded that we shall not murder, which would bear a meaning of preserve life.
The clear teaching of the Bible with regards to God, life, murder, and judgment demonstrates how wicked it is to teach or even believe that God is pleased or even apathetic about the sin of abortion. Yet, so many who profess to be Christians, will take part in abortion or be silent about abortion. In the teaching of Jesus about the judgment of God upon those He called goats, and also the condemnation which fell upon a rich man clothed in fine purple clothing, was in a sense not for what they had done that was worthy of God”s wrath; but was for what they has not done for those whom Jesus considered “least of these“. And Jesus identified with the “least of these“, so that He could say, ” whatever you have not done for the “least of these“, it is as though you have not done it for Me. Then warning is to be cursed and be cast into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. The scripture names the naked, the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the stranger, the sick and the imprisoned. Could you not consider the unborn one of the “least of these“. Should you not be your brothers keeper? Are you not commanded to love your neighbor, and warned that since God says the wages of sin are death and you give your neighbor no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood God will require at your hand; but if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul, ( from the temporal consequence of your silence). I Have included some personal conversations with professing Christians who excuse, justify, and defend the murder of the unborn.
There is forgiveness of sin offered By God by virtue of His precious Son Jesus, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. A miraculous sign and a demonstration of how far God would go to rescue His sheep from the judgment and wages they are deserving of. Jesus fulfilled every law in full love and obedience, even obedient to a sacrificial death on a cross in accordance with the predetermined counsel of God. He rose from the dead on the third day in accordance with the scripture, and ascended to the right hand of God. His offer of pardon for sin is freely issued to those who confess their sin and take that sin to Him, having it nailed to His cross. But, until we cease from excuses, justifications, and blaming others, there shall be no pardon for sin. Jesus died for the sins of His people. Abortion, like all sin is deserving of God’s wrath, But God has provided a mercy seat, a place of refuge where the guilty may by God’s grace, have their sins fully paid for, and By His resurrection from the dead, be justified and receive the peace of God and all that comes to those He appoints to eternal life.