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Salem and Fall season 2018

Fall preaching started earlier this year, and covered a much larger mission field and a longer period of time on the road. In between a trip to the Dominican Republic and a final week of preaching which included Salem Massachusetts on October 31, I was blessed and privileged to share the Gospel of Jesus at countless colleges and many cities and street corners. My friend Scot Smith coordinated much of the trip, but there were several weeks when I had to trust in the Lord and He provided not only open effectual doors to testify to the truth of God, but also men to work with, families to stay with, and when needed even the funds to secure a room. Jesus said ” foxes had dens and birds had nests, but the Son of man had no where to lay His head”. The Lord has been good to me and has done exceedingly more than what I thought to ask. On this trip at some point we made a visit to the Ark Encounter on a Sunday afternoon, after worshipping with the saints in Kentucky. This trip also was amazing in that so many pastors, elders, and Christians joined in evangelism. We were accompanied and assisted by brothers and sisters in: Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Kentucky, and Massachusetts In addition to preaching on college campuses, I also ministered outside abortion clinics in N.J., NYC, Connecticut, and Maryland. There was also days of preaching in different cities: Boulder, Denver, Newark, NYC, Rochester, Boston, Camden, and Salem.

As for the college ministry, the students continue to be more militant with regards to silencing anything contrary to their feelings. As reported in recent news accounts, some non Christian lecturers are being shut down by riotous students because of conservative viewpoints. Although these lecturers are invited and provided a venue to give their speech, the students forcibly take over the speaking engagement,  and the campus police are unable to maintain order. Much the same occurs when  sharing the Gospel on campus,  although we generally allow the students opportunities to ask questions and state their beliefs. There are many students who listen respectfully, but at most colleges there is a militant faction who will demonstrate and protest and make the subject of the day their group. In downtown Denver, we had to take some time out to pray and to allow some of the most angry students to cool off or move on. Yet it was a great day there for person to person conversations. Often the larger schools have been visited by some hate filled preachers who attempt to get a large crowd by insulting anyone who walks by. Sadly we are generally lumped in with them and considered guilty before we even speak. However there is a great need for the truth of the Gospel to be declared at the colleges. Every world view imaginable is offered to the students by the secular staff, but the Christian worldview and faith in Christ is considered offensive in public. For example, at the the Ark Encounter I purchased a shirt with a scripture verse from Genesis about the rainbow and God’s eternal covenant with Noah. The young  woman in line ahead of me said she loved the shirt, but would be afraid to wear it at on campus. I was surprised at her fear and asked the cashier who was an employee at the Ark Encounter what her thoughts were about wearing the shirt. She too said she could not wear the shirt at her school. I fully understand the intolerance students demonstrate when some visiting Christians come on campus, but it is sad that young professing Christians are so frightened to take a stand for Bible truth. I believe that so many American Christians are not reading the Bible and come to believe that to be well thought of is the mission Christ has called us to. Our culture has impressed upon us that everyone must like and respect us or; we have failed. It is clear in the teaching of Jesus that because of who He was, and because the world hated Him, those who followed Him, would also be hated. One of the signs I take with me when I visit a campus has simply 4 letters. L O V E. A major problem with our culture today is the meaning of this word. Quite often students will ask        ” what is wrong with me loving my partner?” I am always quick to respond that the entire Bible would direct us to love God, love our neighbor, and love our enemies. At the final campus for this year,  Southern Connecticut State University, a young woman asked me this question. I said  it was no sin to love her partner and suggested she love her partner like she loved her father. She said that would be “creepy”, and it shows how the meaning and the purity of love has been defiled in this generation.

During a 2 month period, we traveled and preached at colleges in, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Kentucky.

Once again we were helped and encouraged by Pastor Steven Brock in Salem Massachusetts. This is maybe the 9th time I have visited Salem and preached during the festivities that take place there on October 31.  Salem has marketed witchcraft and sorcery and endeavored to host the largest party in the country during the Halloween season. For some, it is just another  big city block party; but for others they go to Salem to network with like minded people, taking part in the occult, or to learn, or to purchase supplies tp practice their craft. This is not a children’s costume party or a Trunk or Treat party. Many attending the Salem party dress up in vile and disgusting costumes, celebrating, witchcraft, abortion, and perverted nuns and priests. It is sad and shocking to see people bringing their children to such an event. The most supernatural thing I have observed is how often people will travel to Salem expending time, money, and energy and then spend the entire day standing before some Christians preaching, so as to mock or scoff at what is preached. It would seem that regardless how much they claim that God does not exist, they are captivated by the truth and  can not walk away. I thank God for His protection and for His mercy, and for the opportunity to bear witness to the truth and be a light in a dark place. And I thank God for bold Christians like Steven Brock, who has left his home in N.C. and planted a church in Salem I pray that our visit was an encouragement to him.

UK 2018 evangelism

Summer of 2018 was mostly spent sharing the Gospel in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Over a period of 8 weeks I met, traveled and preached with different Christians from different countries. Initially with some other Americans we were hosted by my dear friend Dale McAlpine and we spent our nights at a Baptist Church in Birmingham, England. With the church as a base, we traveled and preached the Gospel in Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, Lincoln, Carlisle, and Manchester. Some of my American friends returned to the states, but 3 of us traveled to Glasgow, Scotland where we joined  with about 17  American Pastors and street preachers. We lodged in a large hostel near the Glasgow city center. We divided into teams, and I was blessed to lead a team of 4 compassionate and bold Christian men from different states in America, with a united desire to see the people in Scotland gloriously saved. While in Glasgow we were often joined by some local Christians who were like-minded and were daily sharing the Gospel on the streets. This was very encouraging since during my previous trips to Scotland I have seldom seen anyone sharing their faith in public. On a Sunday I took my team and some others and gathered with the saints at a reformed Baptist Church in Anniesland, which is only a few miles from Glasgow city center. Pastor James Handysides preached a powerful message and invited some of us back to his place for lunch and fellowship. He has been a pastor for more than 50 years, and lived during times of much evangelism in Glasgow, when there were many Gospel meetings often in different sections of the city. My team and I also traveled to Stirling, Scotland where we saw the castle of William Wallace and preached in the Stirling area. This was meaningful to me because when I was last in Stirling, we endured much harassment by the local police. Each of us had an opportunity to share the Gospel and in answer to prayer we had No issues with the police. I give thanks and praise to the Lord for His many benefits. My team did not make it to Edinburgh, choosing rather to stay and minister in Glasgow, where there was a huge parade celebrating the victory of William of Orange, which brought about the end of the tyranny of Catholicism in the UK. There were people from all over Scotland, England, and Ireland grouped into different lodges parading down the city streets. Sadly the celebration involves hatred towards Roman Catholics and excessive drinking. When my team left to return to their homes and families, I traveled to Dublin Ireland where I was hosted by my friend Desmond Smith and his wife. We preached in the downtown Dublin area and in the city of Galway. during a few days when many had gathered  to experience the horse racing there. Once again excessive drinking and hatred were demonstrated. In Ireland there is much hatred towards Roman Catholics, but even worse is their enmity towards God. The people in Ireland had just had a major vote t o repeal their eighth amendment and unfortunately became the 1st country in the world to make abortion legal by popular vote. After a week in Ireland I spent some more time in England, preaching in the cities of Keswick, Kendal, Manchester, and Bristol. Manchester is a refuge for me, and the believers from the church, Grace Life Manchester, have always treated me with love and compassion. They encourage me, and I hope that I am an encouragement to them. Often one or more of the brothers there will work with me in sharing the Gospel. Bristol is a large city south of London, and was a favorite place to preach for George Whitefield, John Wesley, and Howell Harris. Myself and 3 other men were arrested in Bristol in 2016. for preaching in public, using words from the Bible that some of the residents thought were offensive. We were found Not Guilty in the court, and we continue to wait to see if the city will reimburse us because of the false arrest. My final time was spent in Wales. I have a real passion and a burden for the people in Wales. For lodging I rented an air bnb near the city of Swansea shopping area. The lady who runs the bnb also works at the Bible college there, which was founded by Reese Howells. Mr Howells  is known for his remarkable prayer life. The Bible college is now owned and operated by a group from Singapore. There may be a substantial difference from the theology of the founder of the school. My host, Ms Deb had quickly  gone by, and I returned safely home. Thanks be to God! This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our sight.

Dominican Republic 2018


This year I was blessed to be invited to travel to the Dominican Republic and assist in teaching evangelism and sharing the Gospel in the city of Santo Domingo. Pastor Mark Loeffert , his wife Michele, my dear friend Mark O’Keefe and I were hosted by different members of what has since become one of my favorite churches, Iglesia Biblica Senor Jesus Christo. While there we spent 7 days ministering to the brethren by praying and teaching Biblical and Christ centered evangelism, and sharing the Gospel in town, at the college, at a school, in the barrio, and in the park. We were greatly encouraged by the believers there; not just the members of IBSJ, but others, like Jorge Castro who had a passion to share the Good News of the Gospel. This was my first time having a translator. It was a genuine blessing to have men like Jorge and Joel and Pastor Leopoldo Espaillat translate, often having a more passionate demeanor than myself. By God’s providence we were also greatly assisted by many of the young people who would normally be attending school, but a delay in remodeling the school provided them a week off. Many of the students traveled and ministered with us.

Sharing the Bible with the people in Santo Domingo is much different than in the U.S. There is a belief there that the Bible is the Word of God and is true, and there is a real fear of the Lord among the people. Possessing these traits does nothing with regards to salvation for someone without a renewed heart, but they are willing to listen or read for themselves what the Bible makes known. They will generally nod their head in agreement. After just showing them a few scripture verses, most people I encountered would agree they were not morally good and needed to repent. A similar response would be very infrequent in America where most people consider moral goodness relative to each person’s life and experience. However the men and women in Santo Domingo often will externally and verbally assent; but one word would leave them speechless. { Cuando? }, (When?) was a question for which they had no response. They could see the problem and they could agree with the need to repent and trust in Jesus, but most comprehended it only intellectually, and without a true sense of conviction, they felt no need for seeking the pardon that is only granted by virtue of receiving Christ by faith. All too soon the week was finished, and we had to say our “Adios” and fly back to the America. I was greatly encouraged by the local church there and the brothers and sisters who received us with love and hospitality I hope and pray we were an encouragement to them.

A short video of the students at a school at which we each shared with the students a message, and how they blessed us in their lifting up their voices to praise the Lord. Have you never read ” Out of  the mouths of infants and nursing babies, you have prepared praise.”

2018 Jamaica mission

Fishers of men. Men and women came to Jamaica from: US, Belize, Canada, England, to share the Good news of Jesus Christ

South padre island video

20017 Fall campus/Salem evangelism

Englewood NJ abortion clinic

Newark NJ, Broad and Market St. Jim Hamilton shares the Gospel.

Professor brings out some skulls to make his case. eventually acknowledges they are only plastic

Southern Connecticut State students asked many questions

UMass Lowell

University of Missouri

VCU a small beginning

VBCU As the day progresses


Salem Mass , Oct 31

Children are often brought to Salem to participate in what some think as only fun and games

Southern Connecticut State

East Coast satanic headquarters located in Salem Mass,

Jersey City NJ. Luis Zapata shares the Gospel.

WVU. Mike Stockwell shares the Gospel.

VT. Jim Hamilton shares the Gospel.

Sharing the gospel at Princeton University after dark, outside the meal houses.

The Gospel was shared at the Philadelphia “Outfest”. However some local professing Christians enable those living godless lives

Even a local Jewish group advocate for sexual impurity

Purchase College in Purchase NY. Gospel preached by Robert Parker

Purchase college. Gospel shared by Tom Mammon. some students gathered to listen, even though there is a steady rain

UConn, Storrs Conn.

UConn crowd begins to grow

UConn crowd often gets quite large. many listen, many disagree, some stay all afternoon

University of Albany, Albany NY. At this college the administration erects  a barrier for free speech, which includes a podium for the speaker.

Robert Gray shares Gospel at University of Albany

Tom Mammon, youngest member of our group shares the Gospel

East Stroudsburg University

Sharing the Gospel in Happy valet before The Penn state Michigan game

Shawn Holes shares the Gospel, asking the students, ” if he was dying from a wound, how he be assured of heaven.

Black Hebrew Israelites on corner of Broad and market Street Newark NJ


Beaver Stadium Penn state. As we preach, 50,000 fans in white pass by

Shawn Holes shares the Gospel to a large crowd at University of Vermont

UMass Amheerst

University of Albany. Making use of the podium they provide for public speakers

Kutztown University, Kutztown Pa. Keith Darrell shares the Gospel.

East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg Pa.

UVM, University of Vermont, Burlington Vt.

A personal note one of the students passed to us. We hope that by the end of the day enough truth will shared that they come to understand difference in preaching and praying.

The ministry team after a day in Albany NY

The fall season, 2017 promised to be a busy time of sharing the Gospel and evangelizing in some of the colleges I am familiar with, and some that were new to me.  I had been invited to take part in our usual Northeast University tour, but a small group in West Virginia asked if we would come along side of them, on their first ever West Virginia/Virginia college tour. This meant we would not have the opportunity to visit some of the schools in Md. and Va. but there may be another time for them. So the 1st portion of this seasons ministry included the normal N.E. schools; Brown University, University of Rhode Island, UConn, and UMass Boston. September is a great time of the year in New England, but there were some bittersweet memories from previous years, due the loss of the love and hospitality we have always been blessed with in the past. A dear friend, evangelist, husband, and father had always invited to stay at his home in west Haven, Connecticut with his family. When we first met this young man, Cody May, he and his wife were parenting 3 boys they had adopted from Ethiopia. They subsequently adopted 3 more children and then his wife gave birth to a little girl. Last year after I  visited them in November, the entire family ( husband, wife, 4 sons, and three daughters ), moved to Texas, so I knew it was my final Conn. visit with them. Sadly, shortly after they arrived in Texas, and before they even found and purchased a house, Cody drowned in a lake in Texas, leaving his wife to care for their 7 adopted children. The circle of friends quickly  collected money for this young widow to purchase a house, and one of the things I look forward to this Fall is to pay a visit to Kimberly May and her 7 children. They are now living in Kansas; and that would  be a  different portion of this tour. During our time on the UConn campus, one student asked us why Cody had not been to the campus since the previous Fall. We explained to him the sad news of his passing, but we could also tell him of the promise of Eternal Life for those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Leaving New Haven on Friday, where we had preached at the entrance of Yale University, we went in different directions, but would meet by Sunday Afternoon in West Virginia with a family that would host us while we went to the different colleges near to them. Several of us spent Saturday in Carlisle Pa. which allowed for us to worship with the saints on the Lord’s day. Carlisle Pa. is where the U.S. office for “Banner of Truth” books is located, and many of the members of the church we attended are involved with the Banner organization. It also  meant I left with a stack of books, mostly Puritan preachers. On the way  to Pa. I was able to Spend time with some Christians outside of the abortion clinis in Englewood NJ, and afterwards we preached in the downtown area of Jersey City N.J. There is a huge population of Jehovah witnesses in Jersey City, and on Saturday they walk by in droves on their way to a very large kingdom Hall. Our host family had a nice cook out for us when we arrived at their place. Our host was a young man name Jason Saab. He has a burden for the students at the colleges in West Virginia, and has formed an Evangelism group and website. with the name Appalachia Our plans were to spend the next week traveling and preaching at Marshall University, West Virginia University, VT, and UVa. He was most concerned about the students in West Virginia because he had seen some recent videos where some very hostile preachers had been on campus and had insulted everyone. This is sadly true at most of the Southern and Midwest colleges. Different groups come call all of the students sinners and tell them to stop sinning, and point to themselves as sinless. The early church would have called the Pelagians, and would have dealt with them as heretics. All we can do is share the Gospel, and we do so by faith, believing that when God saves someone, it will be a testimony of His great power, even over bad theology. Some at Marshall and quite often at other schools will come up and thank us for not being like the ones who are so harsh, but others would say that even we are too harsh. After all, to grow up in our society in which most everything is acceptable, for someone to quote the Bible as truth and speak of…. sin, is seemingly harsh. To speak of judgment or hell is often unheard of, even where there are campus ministries. Marshall was great. We could tell that many students were waiting around listening to see if we were like the other preachers who had come on their campus. This was also right on the heels of the tragedy in Las Vegas. Many students listened and countless Gospel tracts were distributed, and many many conversations took place. A day of ministry on campus is not just to preach or quote the scripture. Our hope is to get some good Christian literature in the students’ hands so they can take it back to their dorm or apartment, to answer questions, and to have personal conversations. And we pray that after the day is done that may students would be talking about spiritual things. West Virginia was also a good campus. On a previous visit to WVU the students were extremely mean, one young man destroyed a Bible, and a young muslim had to be physically restrained by his friends. This year the students were more apathetic, although one of the men in our group, Jim Hamilton from England ( born and raised in Scotland), preached on the golden calf of evolution and the crowd was awakened. The best part of our ministry there was to connect a WVY student Christian with the men who are in the Appalachian Cry group. We hope this will grow into a Bible study or some discipleship. VT was open for campus Ministry. Jason had called ahead and gotten clearance from the administration. Most of the Va, schools including VT had previously not allowed non-student ministers on campus. Several years ago, a young man that is part of our evangelism team  in Hampton contacted the Christian legal defense organization and asked for their assistance because even as a TNCC student, the college would not allow him to preach on the campus. In short order the ADF sued the Virginia Community college system and the policy was changed not just at TNCC but at all of the public colleges in Va. So at VT it was a new thing for a non-student group to come on campus and share the Gospel. The students there were mostly polite. Like most young people they are stuck in a relativistic, humanistic world view, can’t know if anything is true. The only thing they ware certain about in life is- that the Bible can not be true. UVA. was quite different. They have campus preachers, mostly preachers who  try to argue students into submission with no faith in the Gospel. The students there were apathetic until a homosexual group came out to have their say. Still the Gospel was preached, many heard, Christian literature was distributed. This was not long after the large riot in Charlottesville where one woman was killed in the protest to tear down the statue of Robert E Lee.

The second portion of this tour was to commence two days after we finished in Virginia, and we would meet Friday night in N.J. and stay with a friend and his family in Passaic N.J. For the next week we preached at the Englewood NJ abortion clinic, downtown Newark, Philadelphia, Purchase College in NY, Albany College NY, UConn, Temple University, and East Stroudsburg Pa. On Sunday we went to one of my favorite church families, Bread of Life Fellowship in Wayne NJ.

With the 2nd portion of the tour complete I returned home for just a few days, and by Thursday i was back in Carlisle Pa. to preach and minister at a small college there, Dickinson. While in Pa. a very nice family hosts. Joe Neccerato is a very dear brother to us. He does not feel called to preach, but he is an auto mechanic, and he feels called to work on our vehicles, and absolutely refuses to accept any payment. His work is his his way of taking part in the ministry with us. The team that was together in Pa. was most of the men who would travel to Salem with me. Salem is the one outreach where i get involved with details and lodging, and transportation. Before Salem we preached at Kutztown University in Pa. and finished that week back at East Stroudsburg Pa. Our plans were to meet in Burlington Vt. by Sunday night so that we could preach at University of Vt. on Monday. During that weekend I went with a friend to Penn State University where we preached with amplification to about 50,000 Penn State fans who entered the stadium right in front of us. There were 50,000 fans on the opposite side of the stadium, but we were stationary. The game was against Michigan and all of the Penn State fans were wearing white. In fact, everyone attending that day wore white, as far as I could tell. Worship again with the Bread of Life Fellowship in NJ., then I traveled east to Vermont and met the group there. A great day of preaching at the University of Vermont. May be the largest crowd we had encountered. Preaching on campus in N.E. is a rare thing and may students come to see  what it is all about. After Vermont on Monday, we preached at a small private college not far from Burlington, UMass Amherst, and UConn. On Saturday we preached outside at the Boston Commons. On Sunday I picked up the last member of the team, my friend bobby at the Boston Airport, then we went to worship at a Church near Boston I found using the Nine Marks website. The pastor there was Gordon Loop, and he had spent some time preaching  to the public with the Open Air Campaigners ministry. We had many mutual friends, and he was very happy to see evangelists come and worship with his flock. Sunday was the start of the outreach I had planned for. In Salem we are cared for by a Pastor from a NC Church plant located in Salem Mass. Steven Brock and his family have lived in Salem about 8 years. during his time there he has gone door to door twice. He also goes into the city and preaches during the month of October when thousands come to Salem to be part of the party that will take place there Oct.31 (Halloween). When I first started going to preach at Salem, we would stay in his church building, but the Salem City Council notified him that the building was not zoned for residents. Strangely, he was only renting the 1st floor and a non- Christian family resided on the 2nd floor. Now the pastor kindly blesses us with 3 nights lodging in a hotel not far from Salem. There are only 2 beds but we bring air mattresses and sleeping bags. The Salem event was tense because it took place right after a terrorist attack in NYC where 8 people were killed when a car drove through the crowd. Salem police were expecting 100,000 visitors in town on the 31st. Side streets were blocked off by dump trucks and fire engines. The crowd was in reality much smaller and more tame than previous years. Still, thousands heard the Gospel on a Tuesday. May God be pleased to use the word preached to bring about conviction and repentance and salvation! After Salem most of the team left for home. Bobby would stay with me till Friday and I would take him to the La Guardia Airport in NYC on Friday night. Wednesday and Thursday with a very small team we preached at UMass Lowell, and then Southern Connecticut State University. With a small team I believe we had the best crowds. God blessed us with good weather and good crowds. The students at UMass Lowell sat listening for most of the day, and asking questions. At Southern Conn. it appeared the entire School came out, even some of the professors came to join in. Many students were on our side and many were asking the others to quiet down so that we could be heard. Others were angry at our presence and the homosexual community brought out countless signs touting their acceptance. One professor brought out 2 skulls informing the students that one was “homo sapiens” and the other was “homo erectus”. When challenged he did admit they were only plastic, but he maintained that they were his proof of evolution. Another female professor came out to tell the students that she was sure that the Adam spoken of in Genesis was a homosexual. Most of the students did agree she was incorrect, since he had so many descendants, even all those on campus that day. After leaving the Connecticut school, it truly felt like God was working on the students at Lowell and Southern Conn. So many students came out and many  listened intently and were upset when other students would try to silence us. During the day in Connecticut a young woman ripped my friend’s Bible in half. she was reproved by the police, and almost all of the students were opposed to what she had done, and they said so. Our final day of ministry on this portion of the tour was in NYC. We spent Friday morning outside the abortion clinic in Jamaica Queens NYC. We were the only Christians that day speaking out for  life. Praise God, one young woman chose life. We had her speak on the phone with a Christian lady from a local church. Then we prayed for her and she went off to catch her bus. I continue to hope that her child lives to bless the Lord. Friday afternoon we preached downtown NYC at Union Square. There is always  a crowd there, and generally hostile, but this day many listened and one man asked us to find him a church, because, after he heard us read and preach from the Bible he knew he had to start reading and studying it. Then a bus load of students came and gathered around asking questions until it was time for us to depart. Taking Bobby to La Guardia Airport in NYC on Friday afternoon was the biggest challenge of the tour. But God was kind. I got him to La Guardia in good time and within an hour I had crossed the GW Bridge and made it back into NJ. Praise the Lord  For His Mercy endures forever. This portion of the tour was now finished.

The final leg of the Fall tour would begin in St. Louis Mo. on Sunday afternoon where we would gather with some saints to worship with them inn the afternoon because they share the building with another group which meets in the morning. Pastor Jeff Kirkland is the teaching Elder, and he is also an evangelist, sharing the Gospel at the local university and various other places where the people are. His church provided lodging for our team of 5. On Monday we shared  the Gospel at UMSL. On Tuesday and Wednesday we preached at University of Missouri, and were provided accommodations at the home of Pastor Nathan Rages. The Pastor accompanied us to the campus, and we were also joined by Pastor Charles Leiter and his wife. Charles is the pastor of Lake Road Chapel in Kirksville Missouri. University of Missouri is a huge school and many students stopped to listen although the weather was  starting to get cold. Wednesday night we stayed in Lawrence Kansas, where we met with our dear friend Kimberly May and her 7 children. We surely miss her husband, who perished in a drowning accident earlier this year but is a true blessing to be able to encourage her and to be encouraged by her endurance. Thursday we preached at Kansas University, where the sun was out but the temperature was frigid. This was the final day of this evangelism tour, and the students were not so prone to spend the day outside. But we had quite a few conversations, and we each shared the message that God had placed on our hearts. Jesus Christ, and Him crucified, is the message that commissioned us to share, as ambassadors for Jesus Christ, and to plead on Christ’s behalf, that all men must be reconciled to God. As the day closed, we prayed, and encouraged one another, and then I commenced driving East, and selecting the “home” icon on my GPS. Upon arriving at home and checking the weather and the college schedule, I was privileged to accompany some of the  local Christians nearby and preach at VCU in Richmond. This day started out shaky because there was a film crew at VCU, filming an episode of Showtime’s drama Homeland. We set up at an alternate free speech area, and had a busy morning preaching and conversing with students as they passed by. Later that afternoon when the film crew had departed, we relocated to the normal free speech area. This area is called the “Compass” and by God’s providence within a short while the area was packed with students. VCU is very diverse in culture and extremely liberal in worldview. This was a great conclusion to a season of preaching and sharing the Gospel. I continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will continue working in the thoughts and hearts of all those who heard the truth of the Gospel in these past weeks. I pray knowing that He is mighty to save and he saves to the uttermost. I thank God for these opportunities to share with the unconverted, to encourage the brethren, and grow in faith and love to Jesus Christ.

Sharing the Gospel

2017 UK tour, England Wales, Ireland

I left home to participate in a 6 week ministry and preaching outreach in the United Kingdom, leaving mid June and returning July 22. For the initial 2 weeks I traveled with a team invited by my friend and Co- laborer for the Gospel sake, Dale Mcalpine. We were blessed to be hosted and were able to sleep in the Birmingham Free Baptist Church, where Pastor Larry Curtis works to feed his flock, and frequently brings in groups of young people in hopes that many might come to faith. During this 2 week period, we traveled daily and preached in Birmingham, Oxford, Cambridge, Leicester, Nottingham, Manchester, Lincoln.
When that portion of the mission was complete, I traveled South to Bristol, to encourage my friends Mike Stockwell and Mike Overd, as they were scheduled to appear at the Bristol Court of Appeals. Last year about this time, 4 preachers were arrested for preaching in Bristol and mike and mike were declared guilty at the initial criminal court. They had an excellent legal team provided for by the Christian Concern ministry in England, and in answer to prayers around the world, both men were found “Not guilty” at the appeals hearing.
Once the trial was complete, Myself, Mike Stockwell, and Robert Gray, traveled by train to Swansea Wales to minister and preach in the Southern towns of Cardiff and Swansea. Wales is a favorite place for me to preach, and I have read and studied the rich history of how an awakening occurred in this agricultural and backwoods country during the days of George Whitefield, Howell Harris, Daniel Rowlands, Griffith Jones. John Wesley visited and preached in Wales, but his Wesleyan arminianism was not accepted in Wales, so there was a more pure Calvinist Methodist doctrine, without all the debates over entire sanctification and eternal security. And unlike the preaching in the metropolis of London and Bristol in England, when there would be thousands to hear the preaching in Wales; it would be families who had traveled by wagon or horseback to hear the preaching. Our start in Wales was a little shaky. Initially I had been invited by editor of the Christian Voice Newspaper to stay at his place; but as it turned out, his place is far from the towns of Swansea and Cardiff. Next I applied to the Christian Seminary in Brigend, which was where I had stayed previously. I then called a good friend, James Waddwll and asked about lodging for 3 men. James was able to secure for us a 5 night stay at a Christian retreat house, located in South Gower, one of the most beautiful locations in Wales. When our time in Wales had ended, we said goodbye to James and traveled by train, bus, and ferry to the city of Dublin, Ireland. In Ireland we were provided for by our friend Desmond Smyth and his wife; we were blessed to preach in Belfast and in Dublin.
For our final week, we traveled by ferry, bus, and train back to Northern England, to the area of Cumbria, and were reunited with Dale Mcalpine for the final week, preaching in Keswick, Carlisle, and Kendal. There is much more that could be said, but our hope and our prayers are that God would awaken many to the truth of the Gospel, that we were an encouragement to the believers there, and that we walked in the works that God had prepared for us, we fought a good fight, we finished the course set before us. We walked by faith, believing that now is the accepted time and now may be the day for many to be saved. And God answered our prayers, provided for us, protected us, and brought us back safely. He has truly done all we have asked and even beyond what we asked. I give God and my Lord Jesus all the glory, and honor, and thanksgiving. There is no God besides Him that I desire and no one on earth I seek after. He is glorious in holiness; so then, come let us adore Him and exalt His name together.

Shrewsbury is the birthplace of Charles Darwin. When I asked a nice young man to take a photo, I also asked him who was the most famous man from Shrewsbury; without hesitation he answered “Darwin”

A Christian mother and daughter had traveled long and prayed much for a victorious outcome in the Bristol Court of Appeals. God answered their prayers and the prayers of many. NOT GUILTY was the answer

A young Muslim man in Birmingham, keeping his identity hidden

A prominent restaurant in Oxford, not that the name is appealing

Leicester England is a favorite for Roman Catholics to go and consider Mary, the mother of Jesus; Not so much mention of Jesus here.

We proclaim the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ

This young man in Oxford carried a portable personal circle; so that when needed he could assemble it and then sit peacefully in his own little circle

Martyrs Memorial Monument in Oxford. Bishops Ridley, Latimer, and Thomas Cranmer, burned at the stake near here, 1555

An unusual sign posted in Birmingham. where acceptance is most often enforced

The Christian retreat center offered us a 4 day scholarship in Swansea Wales, located in South Gower, one of the most picturesque spots in Wales

The path leading from the retreat center down to the beach in South Gower

The beach in Wales near our lodging, located near the three cliffs Bay

Many in Cardiff Wales stopped to listen, but there were mockers and scoffers, who spent their afternoon, wanting to receive attention

Our team in Wales, our friend James Waddell, 3rd from right worked to get us lodging in Wales, he is a dear brother and are thankful for his help and hospitality

A sunset was on display as we traveled by Ferry from Wales to Dublin

Wales is a country of few vowels, and they use a “W’ as a vowel when necessary

Our first visit to preach in Belfast. Much different than Dublin. A people so proud to be thought of as Protestant. We pray one day many might become born again; Christians.

Keswick, our final destination this year for preaching. Keswick has been the home of a Christian conference here for many years. Sadly, the townspeople are not much included, and the Christians don’t share the Gospel much in the town.

The young man with long hair is a professing atheist, come to Birmingham to debate with the Muslims, who set up their displays and play their music at the Bull Ring, town center

This was a winsome and joyous man in Birmingham. He never said a word, but he never took a break from dancing and rejoicing

My friend Mike Overd preaching in Glastonbury England. A town known for witchcraft and paganism, much like Salem Mass. in U>S>

Ocean Swimming

Bicycle Tour

Flowers and Pots

Israel 2017

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on the Mount of Olives, this horse was grazing and waiting. Whether its color was gray, white, or pale, I could not discern

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Mordechai, a anti-missionary makes his presence known

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This sermon preached from the summit of Mt. Olives could be heard and recorded at least a mile away, at the Eastern wall of the Old City

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Graves and dried bones. The Holy Spirit quickens, the flesh profits nothing

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The Western wall, often called wailing wall. Perhaps wail becuae the presence of God has departed. The temple of God is with men

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Jesus said of the temple ( not the wall ) no stone would be left standing

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Tel Aviv a metropolis given over to sin

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A craftsman sells his spices

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The temple mount, nothing remains but the presence of Isslam. No Bibles, tracts, not even non-Islamic prayer allowed her

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From the temple mount the Eastern gate is accessible. Even tough these walls and gates were built by Muslims, they close off the gate in case the messiah returns through this gate. Beyond this gate id the Mt. of Olives.

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looking out from Eastern gate upon the Mt of Olives. In the center the Church of all nations, a catholic relic being a stone inside in which they claim Jesus laid prostrate, consenting to the will of His father.


A catholic family from India showing hospitality not so often shown to strangers even in the civilized west. They were delighted that we accepted their invitation.


Our team leader, Dan Journey holds and prays for this baby, maybe remembering his 4 children still in Indian awaiting a green card for his wife, so they may be reunited in America


The parents of the twin boys, professing to be catholic. Her name is, of course, Maris. His name I could not pronounce


Jerusalem Baptist Church. Like them on face book, pray for them, especially Oastor Al Nucciaarone

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This a photo of preaching at the Damascus gate, right across the street from the Palestinian Hostel where we stayed

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As we commenced the final week, some more of the team departed for their homes and families. It was a challenge to travel any distance during Ramadan and the Jewish Shabot, and then the Jewish festival of Shauvuot, or the Festival of Weeks, First Fruits  mentioned in the Bible in Leviticus; and commanded of all Israelites in : Ex 23.14 and Dt 16.16. This takes place 50 days after Passover, hence Christians refer to it as Pentecost; the ordained time in which the Holy Spirit was poured out. In our day the practicing Jewish people in Jerusalem and some who travel there for the occasion do not go to a temple where the presence of God is to worship and offer sacrifices of their first fruits. Instead, they take the day off from Sundown till sundown, eat dairy products, hopefully spend some quiet time and then gather before a wall which may have been a part of the surrounding support for the temple mount. The temple itself no longer exists. They dance around in circles holding and kissing the Torah, for this festival marks the anniversary of the oracles of God being given to Moses for his people. This then would be  celebration of the kindness of God. The wisdom of God was demonstrated by providing atonement for failing to perfectly keep Torah; hence the Torah shows all men the need of atonement, and Jesus Christ, by which those who believe upon Him are sanctified through the offering of His body once for all. If the Jewish people had continued to hold fast to the Torah and the prophets; they may have seen the emptiness of their traditions. And it could be shown to them by what God had revealed in His Written Word how we have all fallen short of His righteousness. Sadly, for almost 2,000 years their Rabbi’s have been writing and rewriting the Talmud and the Mishnah which they claim was also given to Moses but never written down until after Christ’s visitation to them. So now they teach and learn from Rabbi’s who proclaim a false message, which excludes a need for atonement, a blood sacrifice, and most importantly falls so short of the Righteousness of God. And if our Gospel is veiled, it is veiled to them who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. { Please see in this the need for Christians to pray for their deliverance and to share the truth with them. SO many Christians think it improper to evangelize to the Jewish people in Israel, thinking God will bring about their salvation in some other way; a false gospel }

As some of the brethren were scheduled to leave from Tel Aviv, our hope was to take an inexpensive bus from the Bus Depot in downtown Jerusalem to the airport in Tel Aviv ( 60 minute drive). Because of the luggage, we took a taxi to the bus depot only to find out that no busses or trains operated during that 24 hour period. Our backup plan was to take a Sherut Bus to the airport. These busses are operated by Palestinians and they charge per person and don’t leave until every seat is filled; cheaper than a taxi, but the total for 6 men added together is more than we wanted to pay. Sadly, because of Ramadan, the Sherut busses were not running either, so we asked several taxi drivers until a price war worked in our favor and we arrived without problem. The remaining 4 members on the team spent some time ministering in Tel Aviv. The metropolis of this city is filled with rainbow flags and posters celebrating homosexuality. Many of the businesses drape their entrance in rainbows to demonstrate the acceptance there of that which is not accepted by God. It is also a very apathetic city like NYC or London, so we hired a taxi and went to a distressed part of the city where many refugees from many nations dwell, and not so many religious Jewish men and women. Just as it was in the day of Jesus, the poor and downtrodden were more receptive, listening and receiving literature. While ministering  that night we were befriended by a man from India, who insisted that we have dinner at his place. He agreed with the message we preached, but was not yet converted as evidenced by his fruit. The leader of our group has lived in India for the past 7 years until being deported earlier this year because of his preaching, and  wife and children remain in India and his burden for the people of India is great. We visited with this young man from Tel Aviv and his family, and some of the photos here displayed were taken on this evening. This man, his sister, his sister’s husband, and 2 twin baby boys live in an one bedroom apartment with a small kitchen. So this night 4 Americans joined with a family from India in a small bedroom to share a meal. pray and share the Gospel. The family professed to be catholic, but were adding it to many of their traditions. We thanked them and shared the truth in love with them, then returned to our hostel in Jerusalem.

Another character in this post is a man who confronted us from the first day, claiming to be a member of an anti-missionary group in Jerusalem called ‘ Yad L Achim”. Wherever we went in Jerusalem he would find us, and continually be doing something with his phone; calling for backup or videoing., or just be loud and annoying. We shared the Gospel with him and spoke of our love for him and the Jewish people ( which he denied ). But on one of our last days there he sat down at a table  while we had lunch and made know to us that his name was Mordechai, he was from Greece, and he had read the new testament in Greek several times. He would not let us buy him any food or a drink, but he had truly softened in his behavior toward us. The family in India and Mordechai are a big reason for sharing the Gospel even when you don’t see conversions the way Peter, and Phillip, and Paul did. If their heart has been softened and a seed planted, We praise the Lord and we continue to pray for these souls. Too quickly the time to depart arrived. I thank God for all this He has provided. Many Christians are exceeding thankful for being saved from judgment and acknowledge it is only by God’s grace through faith, but many are not so quick to be mindful and thankful that: 1. we are His workmanship 2. we are created in Christ Jesus for good works 3. these good works God has prepared for us beforehand 4. we should walk in them, but let us be thankful that He has prepared a work for all He has saved. Even the thief on the cross had a testimony which glorifies Jesus 2,000 years and beyond. What work has He prepared for you will be found in His Word and revealed by His Spirit. Christ has suffered and risen from the dead on the third day: and that repentance and remission  of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

And as a Christian indwelt by the Spirit of God, you are to be witnesses of these things. May  things be done for His glory and honor. At the end of your journey may His testimony be about you that: you did… what you could.

to view some of the preaching by different members of the team, try this link.

2017 Jamaica


Another year has come and gone, and once again we bring Good Tidings of great joy to the people of Jamaica. Romans 10:14-15 (ESV)
14  How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
15  And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

We arrived in Montego Bay Jamaica the afternoon of Jan 3, 2017. I arrived in Jamaica by way of Athens, Ga. where I preached the Gospel with some friends downtown on New Years Eve. What a blessing and an encouragement to share the Good News with young adults, mostly students attending University of Ga.and to hear the sound of fiery, yet compassionate preaching, warning, and pleading for souls to come to Christ. Along with my friend and host, Bobby McCrery, and some other members of the evangelism team in Athens, we were also joined by 3 men finishing up their final years at a seminary in South Carolina. I also stopped in Orlando to visit with my dear friend John Baros. John has been blessed by God with a tremendous burden for the babies brought to the abortion clinic in Orlando, OWC, and for the mothers. And God moves there often, working in the hearts of those who hear his message
In Jamaica the  mission trip is organized by my friends, Mike and Robert, who call their ministry “Cross Country Evangelism”. They have been kind enough to invite me, and it is a privilege to  minister alongside them. They invite Christians, seasoned evangelists, or sometimes someone who wants to get involved in evangelism and learn. A large part of their ministry is encouraging and teaching others how to share their faith in obedience to the will of God and for the glory of the name of Jesus. As in past years, our main base is in Montego Bay, at the most reasonably priced hotel we have found. Jamaica has always been and is increasing at an alarming pace; a dangerous place. In daylight hours and popular areas there is some semblance of safety and order, and If your knowledge of the country is obtained from a tourist website, you might be convinced that by being reasonably cautious, you could avoid real danger. On the island however, you can hear or read the local news, and there is an entirely different picture. On an island with a little more than 1 million people, there were 35 murders committed by January 15, 2017. Last year there were more than 1300 murders in Jamaica; no longer only in large cities like Kingston, but all over the country. So while there, we exercise caution and more importantly we pray and trust in the Lord. And we thank God for those that support us and pray for us. And we thank God that we all returned safe but tired, and testifying to the faithfulness of God. The team in Jamaica included about 12 different members, some arriving, some leaving on different days. There were mostly men and a few women from Canada, England, Texas, North Carolina, New York, Colorado, and of course Va. While there we traveled and shared the Gospel in Montego Bay, Falmouth, Ocho Rios, St. Lucea, Negril, Savannah La Mar. In addition to much preaching and conversations beyond numbering, we distributed approximately 200 pds of Bible
( 100 Bibles ). Bible are in great demand in Jamaica, despite so many building where people meet for religious purposes; even 1000 Bibles would not meet the demand. The predominant religion in Jamaica is Seventh Day Adventists. The teaching in this church is rooted in the teaching of Ellen G White, and it may be that Bibles are not available because of the deviations in the Adventist doctrines compared to the Bible. Rastafarians and black Hebrew Israelites are also increasing. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for those who believe; hence  the groups like the Adventists are helpless when contending other false religions. They may have an appearance of religion and a list of rules, but with no Gospel, No regeneration, and no Holy Spirit, they will ultimately fall. Our favorite spot to set up and preach is in Montego Bay at Sam Sharpe’s Square. A photo of his statue and the plaque describing his life is included below. He is their 1st national hero and he is pictured on their currency. Ironically, in addition to being a slave, he was a lay-deacon at Burchell Baptist Church, which still exists; located several blocks from his statue. So while all the strange religions there denounce Christianity, Sunday worship, and faith in Jesus Christ, Sam’s statue remains; a statue of him preaching to a small group with Bible in hand. The life and death of Mr. Sharpe were instrumental in bringing an end to slavery in England and in Jamaica. Though he was executed for his part in a slave riot in 1832, slavery was abolished in 1835; even 30 years before America ended slavery. The slavery that now exists in Jamaica is quite similar to all men in all countries; ” sin “. So we preach the Gospel by faith, with love, and prayer; Asking God to set the captives free. We preach to the poor, the homeless, the sick, the lame, demon?possessed. The tourists from America and Europe seldom stop to listen, and often will not even receive a free Gospel tract. But the Jamaicans will listen, and converse, and read, and ask for payer. Very few profess to be atheists, evolution is not taught in public schools, and abortion and homosexuality are not promoted or applauded. We have not yet found a Bible-believing church there. Adventists, JW’s, Oneness Pentecostals, prosperity & wealth, etc. are plentiful. They teach that ultimately each person’s salvation is based on some external action they have partaken of, rather than the work of God  in their heart. We pray that the Gospel that we preached there would now be watered by the Holy Spirit. We pray that the enemy would not steal the precious seed of God’s Word. We pray that God would be pleased to save souls there; that His name would be honored there, and Jesus would receive the reward of His suffering. May it be that John’s vision of every nation, tribe, and language would include many; singing their praise in Patois, the dialect most often heard in Jamaica.

