Jamaica 2025 To God be the Glory
January 2025 Another year gone by. Now more than three... Read more →
GOD declares He is creator of heaven and earth and all that are in them, that in Him do we live and breathe and have our being, and man has He created in His image, not that man has any of GOD's appearance, but that man has a souls, a spirit and a conscience, the knowledge of right and wrong
Pastor Larry preaches near Sam Sharpe Square in Montego Bay Jamaica.
Time passes and seasons change, but the word of the Lord endures forever. The Fall college semester arrived so soon, the days seem shorter, as though the Lord might hasten the day when He should call me home. By God’s grace and through His providence, Scot Smith invited me to join his campus preaching tour in New England, Michigan, West Virginia, and Maryland. Our lodging in New England was provided by some dear friends and co-laborers in the Gospel. Through their kindness and generosity, we were able to preach at UConn, UMass Amherst, UMass Dartmouth, UMass Boston, University of Rhode Island, and Rhode Island College. The Gospel was shared, hundreds of tracts were given out, and we had countless conversations with students about the things of God.
Friday I made way for Michigan and stopped to spend some time with Robert Parker. We were able to preach at The College of New Jersey, Rutgers, Englewood abortion clinic, downtown Newark, and finished Saturday night preaching to many of the Princeton University students who were partying on the streets. Sunday we worshipped at Bread of Life, in Wayne NJ. After service we traveled all day and most of the night, finally arriving at the home of Marv Plemontosh, near Detroit Mi.
Monday we preached at Michigan State University, and Tuesday University of Michigan. These are huge universities with more than 30,000 students. By God’s grace we were able to preach freely.
Wednesday we were at Reformed Puritan Seminary, and Scot shared a message with the students. Afterwards, we went with about 12 students and several professors to GRCC, Grand Rapids Community College. Our hope is to encourage the seminary students to regularly share their faith at this campus and make known there the goodness and kindness of God in providing redemption through His Christ, Jesus.
Thursday we traveled west and preached at Western Michigan University. The students there were initially somewhat apathetic, but after a time of preach in, many came out to hear. Like many similar universities, there have in the past been some preachers who preach condemnation and moral reformation, rather than the law and the Gospel. We hope those that listen would hear the difference. Some thank us, yet many who have ears don’t hear, and so they gnash their teeth and breathe threatenings making known the state of their heart, and their disdain for all which is of God. But, such are we but by the grace Of God
The weekend was spent being hosted by a godly widow in Indiana, who demonstrated her gift of hospitality. We hoped to encourage her in her walk with God. Monday, Sept. 22 we preached at West Virginia University. This was the first Bible-belt school on this trip, although it is also rated the #4 party school in the US. At this school, an angry crowd formed early, with many hostile to the Gospel and/or those that preach the Gospel. A bible was ripped to shreds by one young man and a young Muslim was restrained by his Muslim friends as he shouted obscenities, repeatedly striking a sign with scripture, and was spitting at the preacher. There was no shock or rebuke from the students gathered, they were either too afraid to speak against this intolerance or they were in agreement. After the day spent preaching, we traveled East to Mannassas Va, to stay with our brother and friend Jamie and his wife Lea. Tuesday we will preach at George Mason University. We had a great day at GMU. It was a shaky start, with a large crowd forming immediately. But the early response was likely due to the previous day’s visit to this campus by a man identifying himself as brother Ross. This man is part of a traveling group of preachers who go to great lengths not to make known the goodness and kindness of God, nor to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Instead they go to great lengths in their attire, theatrics, and preaching to imitate men of the past like Charles Finney, known for drawing large crowds while preaching. So these men are easily identified dressed in sure as suspenders and a Billy Sunday style that. Their message is similar to that of Pelagius, who denied the doctrine of original sin and taught that each man has the power within himself to stop sinning. This includes the power to live entirely sin less, thereby, excluding the need of Grace, atonement or regeneration. It is contrary to that which is revealed by God in scripture and was determined by the early Christian Church to be heresy. But although Ross’s presence on campus drew a large crowd, there were many that listened to the Gospel being preached and we hope and pray they heard and can discern the truth. We preach by faith, trusting that God will work according to His sovereign will and good pleasure. Better a small crowd than an offended God. May God be pleased to save many at GMU.
Wednesday we will preach at the entrance of George Washington University. This is a private school, but the entrance is a public sidewalk. It is also a very expensive school. This has always been a favorite campus on our tours because the students there are very outspoken, and not timid in voicing their opinions.
While waiting to begin a week of preaching at colleges in NY, Conn, and Pa, we preached at some of the more distressed areas in the NJ area. Saturday After ministering at an Englewood NJ abortion clinic, we traveled to NY and preached on the Staten Island ferry and at Washing Square Park. Late Saturday evening we preached to hundreds of Princeton University students, many who were heavily intoxicated, and walking down the street dressed in togas or bath towels. Sunday, after worshipping at the Bread of Life Church, we went to downtown Newark NJ and gave Bibles to many, and preached the good news to the poor. Two days earlier, on a Friday, we preached in Camden NJ and Southside Philadelphia. Preaching to those that are poor or living simply is refreshing after spending much time with college students, many of whom are puffed up and boastful, and in professing themselves to be wise have become foolish.
Monday we preached at the University of Albany NY. This is the most ornate of all the colleges I have visited. I would describe it as the Ceasar’s Palace of universities. The students here profess to be liberal, but most are intolerant of the Christian faith, and narrow-minded with regards to evolution. Several students spent six hours protesting and mocking the preaching of the Gospel. Some stated they didn’t need a God to teach them ” right and wrong “. Sadly this is not working out well as evidenced by all the posted notices of help available for students struggling with alcohol and drugs. We pray that God would be merciful to the students here.