Is evolution a lie?

Is evolution a lie?

Why do I hold a sign that declares evolution is a lie? Do I really believe evolution is a lie? Can it be true that students in public schools and universities are being taught a lie? Rather than a discourse on the science of evolution, since my career was more in applied science

( spending 28 year as a Nuclear Rx Operator at Surry Nuclear Power Plant), I will attempt to be concise and gracious.

I use the sign mostly in an attempt to encourage people to think about important things, like truth. Thus, when someone says that they believe that “evolution” is true, my question is always with regard to how they define or describe the concept of truth. To say that evolution = truth, leaves a major discrepancy, if they can not define truth.  When they attempt to continue their opinion of the science of evolution, my second question is simply, “do they, or can they “know: anything for certain, since the word science means knowledge. I believe that every human being is created by God in His likeness, hence we have knowledge of that which God our creator makes known to us. Human beings have the ability to think in a way which no other creature on earth can attain. We certainly do not know all things, for we ae not omniscient, but we can think, and reason, and infer. We can consider who we are, and where we came from, and where we are going, because God created us as rational beings. We can use and understand concepts like logic, math, language, truth, justice, mercy and grace. If we can agree that there is a truth and human beings can know some things which are true, then the discussion could move on to whether evolution is true, and by what means we could know that it was true.


The noun evolution is used broadly and for ideas pertaining to history, process of change, unfolding, social changes, economic changes, historical development, extraction of a mathematical root, a process in which the whole universe is a progression of interrelated phenomena, and then phylogeny or a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations.


As per my sign, it is not referring to ideas, history or mathematical problem solving, but is referring to phylogenies, meaning the evolutionary history of a kind of organism, which  would be distinguished from the evolution of genetically related group of organisms.

  • These definitions are found in Merriam Webster on line 2012

I will refer to an article from www.talkorigins.com to address more clearly the vocabulary that today’s evolutionist might use. This website is very informative and offers the most pure insight into the scope of evolution I have ever seen presented. As a Christian I disagree with what they teach, but I appreciate they don’t make claims that go beyond what this theory attempts to achieve.


First, we have to get the definitions right. Below are some of the terms as taught by “ Talk Origins’.

The following terms are defined: macroevolution, microevolution, cladogenesis, anagenesis, punctuated equilibrium theory, phyletic gradualism

Creationists often assert that “macroevolution” is not proven, even if “microevolution” is, and by this they seem to mean that whatever evolution is observed is microevolution, but the rest is macroevolution. In making these claims they are misusing authentic scientific terms; that is, they have a non-standard definition, which they use to make science appear to be saying something other than it is. Evolution proponents often say that creationists invented the terms. This is false. Both macroevolution and microevolution are legitimate scientific terms, which have a history of changing meanings that, in any case, fail to underpin creationism.

In science, macro at the beginning of a word just means “big”, and micro at the beginning of a word just means “small” (both from the Greek words). For example, “macrofauna” means big animals, observable by the naked eye, while “microfauna” means small animals, which may be observable or may not without a microscope. Something can be “macro” by just being bigger, or there can be a transition that makes it something quite distinct.

In evolutionary biology today, macroevolution is used to refer to any evolutionary change at or above the level of species. It means at least the splitting of a species into two (speciation, or cladogenesis, from the Greek meaning “the origin of a branch”, see Fig. 1) or the change of a species over time into another (anagenetic speciation, not nowadays generally accepted [note 1]). Any changes that occur at higher levels, such as the evolution of new families, phyla or genera, are also therefore macroevolution, but the term is not restricted to those higher levels. It often also means long-term trends or biases in evolution of higher taxonomic levels.

Microevolution refers to any evolutionary change below the level of species, and refers to changes in the frequency within a population or a species of its alleles (alternative genes) and their effects on the form, or phenotype, of organisms that make up that population or species. It can also apply to changes within species that are not genetic.

more freedom to change.


Ways in which the term “macroevolution” is used by scientists. Some are exact in the way they use it, while others are less exact. These usages are not all the same, and this causes some confusion. Why do scientists not agree on the meaning of their terms?

The meaning modern authors give to the terms “macroevolution” and “microevolution” is often confusing, and varies according to what it is they are discussing. This is particularly the case when “large-scale” evolutionary processes are being discussed. For example, R. L. Carroll, in his undergraduate textbook (1997: 10) defines microevolution as “involving phenomena at the level of populations and species” and macroevolution as “evolutionary patterns expressed over millions and hundreds of millions of years”. Eldredge says, “Macroevolution, however it is precisely defined, always connotes “large-scale evolutionary change” (1989: vii) and throughout his book speaks of macroevolution as roughly equivalent to the evolution of taxa that are of a higher rank than species, such as genera, orders, families and the like. In his book Evolution, Mark Ridley defines the terms thus (2004: 227):

Macroevolution means evolution on the grand scale, and it is mainly studied in the fossil record. It is contrasted with microevolution, the study of evolution over short time periods, such as that of a human lifetime or less. Microevolution therefore refers to changes in gene frequency within a population …. Macroevolutionary events events are much more likely to take millions of years. Macroevolution refers to things like the trends in horse evolution … or the origin of major groups, or mass extinctions, or the Cambrian explosion …. Speciation is the traditional dividing line between micro- and macroevolution.

There are many papers published that use the term in this “higher category” way; why is that?

Science is not always consistent in its use of terms; this is the source of much confusion. Sometimes this is carelessness, and sometimes this is because of the way in which terms are developed over time. When biologists and paleontologists talk about macroevolution in the sense of “large-scale” evolution, they are strictly speaking meaning only a part of the phenomena the term covers, but it is the most interesting part for those specialists. That is, they are talking about the patterns of well-above-species-level. l evolution (Smith 1994).


The misuse of the terms by creationists is all their own work. It is not due to the ways scientists have used them. Basically when creationists use “macroevolution” they mean “evolution which we object to on theological grounds”, and by “microevolution” they mean “evolution we either cannot deny, or which is acceptable on theological ground.

( end of article by Talk Origins).


If we were provided evidence that a building or painting existed, not one of us would refuse to infer or conclude the existence of a builder by using our sense and reasoning. Few could be convinced that such an object could appear at random over ages of time. To reduce the building to atomic particles and rebuild it, would only reinforced the logical truth that it was built, and would leave us ignorant with regard to who the builder is.

To imagine the building was brought from another galaxy still does not disprove the builder.

In fact, even the concept of a building and a builder are the result of a rational mind.

However some may liken a human being to be nothing more than an earthen vessel. But earthen vessels don’t live or think. Therefore they imagine that the earthen vessel began to live and reproduce by random chance. There is a bias in this line of thinking which rejects all thought of a Creator, Who is greater than all created objects and knows all things and has power to accomplish whatever He desires. For the nature and desire of man is to be autonomous or self-governing, yet we did not create ourselves and we live in the universe which God created and within this universe there are not 8 billion earthen vessels, but a human race bound by laws of logic, physics, morality, and order.

Wishful thinking changes nothing.

Most evolutionist today are absolutely close- minded and will not consider a Creator. This bias results in the conclusion that man is the sum of his chemical make-up and any instincts he has inherited. But man is more than an earthen vessel. He is made in the likeness of God and therefore knows certain truths, such as logic, math, astronomy, etc. Some may deny knowing that that can know anything, but this is self`refuting. (Although they never admit or understand).There are also moral absolutes which are present within the human race, no matter how hard individuals and societies may attempt to remove them. We cannot escape our human nature which is evidenced when we accuse others and make excuses for ourselves and our like-minded cohorts. Many, claim to be opposed to any and all authority yet, when attacked will be the first to object, and call for the authorities.

I include a passage from J. Budziszewski’s writing, “Escape from Nihilism”. He was an atheistic philosopher of religion teaching at the University of Texas. He states “You cannot imagine what a person has to do to himself to go on believing such nonsense (there is no GOD). He was unusually determined not to know GOD or the revelation of GOD written on his heart. Visualize a man opening the access panel of his mind and pulling out all components that have GOD’s image stamped on them. The problem is that all the attributes of man,  have GOD’s image stamped on them, so the man can never stop pulling out these components. No matter how many he pulls out, there are still more to pull. (As long as a man can still think, reason, seek truth, or know truth his must continue to remove all these attributes that have GOD’s imprint upon them.  As long as there were thoughts of love, mercy, hate, compassion these had to be pulled out).  “I was the man” he wrote. . Because I pulled out more and more and there was less and less that I could think about.”  To get to a place when all reflection of GOD is removed, is to become a clay pot, an empty vessel.

Thinking themselves wise, they become foolish. ( Romans 1:22).This man came to a place where he acknowledged he could not escape the truth, he could not escape GOD, and he could not escape himself. GOD’s law was written on his heart.

The knowledge of our creation, and God’s will is that which will grant us true wisdom.

GOD created us for HIS glory and that we would enjoy His presence. This is the fullness of Joy. This is abundant life.

GOD created man with the ability to love Him, for GOD is love. God created man so that he would trust Him. This loving and trusting in God produces the fruit of obedience. But, man did not trust what God said, thus he disobeyed and sinned and through sin came death. Death did not come about as GOD’s way of evolving to a higher species. GOD’s creation was perfect, but now because of sin, the world is passing away and everything in it. GOD created every kind after its own kind, which after all these years is what we find in the fossil record, and in the ocean depths, and on the mountain tops, and under a microscope. After billions of mutations bacteria remain bacteria. And man is still man and still fallen in need of a supernatural work of a supernatural GOD to be reconciled. Therefore just as sin entered the world through one man (the first Adam) and death through sin, in this way death spread to all men, because all sinned. In fact sin was in the world before the law, but sin is not charged to a person’s account when there is no law, nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over those who did not sin in the likeness of Adam’s transgression. He was a prototype of the coming One. But the gift is not like the trespass for if by one man’s trespass many died, how much more have the grace of GOD and the gift overflowed to the many, by the one man, Jesus Christ. Therefore, as sin reigned in death so also grace will reign through righteousness resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 5.17

Jesus Christ is GOD taking on the nature of man in addition to HIS Godhood living a life of perfect obedience unto death. even death on the cross. It was GOD’s predetermined decree that He would bear the sins of many and offer His soul once and for all, and die, for the atonement of sin, so that GOD’s justice would be vindicated, and Christ’s glory displayed for all creation, for all time, and for all  eternity. For GOD was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him and through Him to reconcile everything unto Himself by making peace through the blood of His cross, whether things on earth or of things in heaven

Col 1.20

He was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement which brought us peace was placed upon Him. He was crucified and buried and in accordance with scripture on the third day He was raised from the dead. And now through repentance and faith in Him, He offers us pardon for sin, life eternal, removal of all guilt and shame, and peace with God, our Creator.

This world is passing away and everything in it, but Jesus Christ offers life eternal, so that those who die in Christ, shall live in Him, by Him, for Him, and through Him. To those saved, He is our all in all.

To state that evolution is a scientific study of life after its origin, is similar to the proverbial antique watch which is found by an alien. Can we study the parts of the watch, and say with accuracy that we have proved its history of development without knowing the maker, the foundry, or its purpose? Can we be open-minded in studying this watch as to function, and not address the watch maker? Present evolutionary study stands as a set of ideas collected in a fashion which has a predetermined conclusion set by the evolutionist.  The accuracy of a report must also includes that which is omitted from the study. In conclusion, evolution is considered a science although it omits the following: origin of matter, origin of energy, origin of life, origin of space, origin of time. In fact some would even say there was no beginning.

But with a foundation of truth, as revealed and made known by the LORD, we can know this :

The wrath of GOD is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth for what can be known about GOD is plain to them because GOD has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes namely His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse for although they knew GOD they did not honor Him as GOD or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise they became foolish and exchanged the glory of the immortal GOD for images resembling men.


If we would consider that God had created the universe, so that the human race he created in His likeness could learn more about Him by studying this universe, and all of the languages which lead us to knowledge are math, logic, physics, etc.

The alternative is to predetermine (without excuse), that there is no God and then dismantling all things to their subatomic parts and attempting t to reproduce all that we discover, thus always searching, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.



14 Responses to EVOLUTION IS A LIE

  1. Charles says:

    I really like how the science evolution stands on is in no way even addressed in this article and is just accused of being a lie on the grounds of “god is good”. It’s like you want people to believe what you’re saying just because you’re saying it. Well played sir, well played.

    • preach@luke24vs47.com says:

      Thanks for your comment. The theory of evolution is a set of ideas. The scientific method
      Is repeatable, observable, and testable and can not be applied to an idea set.There is just no ” scientific evidence” to repeat, test, or observe. The fossil record demonstrates total non existence of a transitional life form instead of what Darwin expected (millions of fossils from billions of evolving life forms). We can measure time but there is no scientific way to measure time past. Measuring the decay of radio isotope is flawed due to the necessary pre suppositions. For example, if we were to share a lunch and I brought a half pizza you might think I had eaten half before I arrived. But what if I only made a half pizza? Everything you thought during lunch would be in error. Or maybe a better analogy would be an old fashion hour glass. Today we can measure the quantity of sand in the glass and today we can measure the rate at which the sand flows from upper chamber to the lower and we can predict that if all conditions remain unchanged, the time elapsed would be unchanged. However it can not be predicted looking back because the conditions are not testable, reliable, or controllable. In fact, to insist that the universe has an order that is ordered and without change would be opposed to evolution of species which is based on time and random chance.
      Sorry for weak analogies, but if you would go to the site http://www.aig.com there are more scientific discussions on radio carbon dating. Everyone human believes in something. This is the nature of man. But man’s mind has been created in a way that we can know and consider things beyond nature. Please consider the soul of man ( that which separate you from other creatures). This very considering – this is how GOD created you – able to consider. You don’t have to believe what I believe but my hope is that you might acknowledge what you presently believe is faith based. An idea set you have chosen to embrace and on which your worldview is based. I encourage you to read the Bible and ask GOD to grant you faith to understand and believe. And I welcome your comments, feel free to contact me .

      • Eternally Questioning says:

        You’re missing the point preacher. Evolution is not about belief, it is about logic. If you accept the fact that our biological coding is physically contained within genes (which seems nearly impossible to dispute at this point), than you also must accept the theory of evolution.

        Genes contain our genetic coding.

        Our genetic coding is passed down through sex.

        Only those who have a coding that leaves them fit for survival are able to have sex and produce babies.

        Genes that leave people unequipped for survival in whatever circumstance they find themselves in therefore end up disappearing from the gene pool.

        When certain genes disappear from the gene pool, species become radically different; or in other words, they evolve.

        The logic of evolution doesn’t require any further evidence than the existence of genes, the fact they mutate, and the inarguable fact that weak individuals are far less likely to reproduce than strong individuals. You can not argue against the process of evolution, as a Christian all you can claim is that evolution is a natural law of our world, like gravity, and that God is the source of all natural laws.

      • preach@luke24vs47.com says:

        My friend, without The existence of GOD you can not account for the existence of logic. Surely any with an ability to reason with logic and a sound mind would acknowledge that logic exists in our universe and is eternal, unchangeable, absolute, unseen,and universal. To deny logic is to deny ability to know anything, whether science, metaphysics, or even your own existence. Without the law of non contradiction you can not know truth and therefore can’t claim you are right and can’t know anything is wrong. To deny the logical concept that something can exist and not exist simultaneously would bring you to a place where there is no certainty that you exist, a foolish absurdity for a creature living in a real world where men live and die daily. Do not be self deceived, you know you exist and you believe in truth demonstrated when you make a truth statement when you declare I am wrong and you know what is right. When a scientist uses his tools to observe, test or experiment, he must by faith assume logic and order exist or he can not reasonably conclude anything. His test or observation could be only random chance which is the foundation of evolution. Random chance over much time and this is the antithesis of logic and order. And you can choose to believe the former but the universe in which you live and science in which you boast prove your choice to be I error revealing that your self deception is birthed in a desire to be autonomous, you suppress the truth not in ignorance or innocence but in unrighteousness. It is the fool that says in his heart there is no GOD, and professing themselves to be wise many prove themselves to be foolish. The wrath of GOD is revealed from heaven above against all unrighteousness. GOD commands all men everywhere
        To repent ( change of mind ), and to believe the Gospel.

  2. I just want to Bless you with this passage from the word of God: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

    • preach@luke24vs47.com says:

      But to all who did receive Him He gave them the right to be children of GOD
      to those who believe in His name
      who were born not of blood or of the flesh or of the will of man
      but of GOD.
      Luke 24 vs 47 This is what is written
      The Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day
      and repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name
      to all the nations beginning at Jerusalem.

    • Keesha says:

      That’s a quick-witted answer to a difficult qusetion

  3. I just want to Bless you with this passage from the word of God: that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.

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